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With a heavy fist, I pounded on the door like my life depended on it.

No answer.

I break this damn door if I have to. West will not be subject to this abuse anymore. Especially when he finally found a home to stay in that was safe and loving.

How dare his father? How dare he take him away from the kind of love he deserved? How can someone hurt their own child — their own making?

Once my knuckles began to ache the door swung open, revealing the drunken-man Westley called dad. He swayed over to the side, allowing me to come in.

I stormed past, not uttering single word. My eyes just searched around the house for my boy.

"West." I muttered, heart aching as I laid my eyes on the boy sitting on the couch.

A large black-eye was prominent on his face, along with a cut on his lip. There were more injuries, I'm sure, but he was wearing pants and long sleeves that hid it all well.

"Bo?" His head snapped in my direction, "You shouldn't be here." Westleys eyes were no longer on me, but his father who took a quick swig out of his bottle.

I ignored his comment and his fathers stares, walking up to the boy and squatting so we were eye level. My elbows rested on his knees.

No words were spoken between us. There was no need. We had known each other for long enough to know how the other was feeling. A single tear slid down his face before he finally looked away, wiping his face angrily. Instinctively, my hand landed on his face — wiping it with my thumb.

"You two look like a bunch of fags."

I rolled my eyes, standing up and offering my hand to West. Once again, no words were shed, but we both knew I was taking him away from this. Hopefully, to a police station.

I want nothing more to put an end to this once and for all. No matter the outcome of me and Westleys situation. If that's even the word for it.

Westley shook his head, looking at his father who crossed his arms with a sicking smile. "He knows he deserves this."

It was then, that I lost it.


It's hard to say when I started bashing Westleys Dad's face in. All I knew was that I couldn't feel my right hand and Westley was screaming for me to stop.

My breath huffed in and out for what felt like hours. My eyes fixated on my hand that looked mangled. Cuts, bruises, dry blood coated it.


That sweet voice pushed me away from my fixation, causing me to look into my boy, who's been through far too much for his lifetime.

If I could take that pain away I would. Even the pain I caused.

"What the fuck?" West screamed, tears filling the brim of his eyes, "He's gonna send you to fucking jail!"

Soft sobs wrecked his body and he trembled. I stood up shakily, walking over to him, pulling him into my lap like so many times before.

Instantly he nestled into my neck, sobbing uncontrollably. I felt my own tears surface as I tried to push them back.

How could I let it get this bad? I thought, He was literally kidnapped.

"I'm so sorry." I finally broke down.

Westley tensed, sitting up and looking at me cry. His brown eyes looked wider than usual, probably a bit panicked.

I had never cried in front of him. Ever. In all of our years of knowing each-other. West was much more open with his emotions than I ever was with him.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm so fucking sorry." I sobbed, hard, each word took out a gust of air with me.

West's hands cupped my cheeks as he looked deeply into my eyes. My own hands tightened around his waist, pulling him closer to me.

"I love you." I spoke, "I've loved you for what feels like centuries. I cannot breathe if it's not your air."


"I can't live without you. I tried. I really did. But I can't." I sniffled, finally seeming to calm down a bit.


"And I know you probably don't feel the same. I don't want you feel like you have to-"

"Bo, I love you."

"What?" I croaked, hoarsely.

"I love you. I have for years. I've just repressed it. And I'm sorry for not realizing sooner." He spoke softly, wiping my tears.

His words enough for me to press my lips against his. This kiss was soft, loving, dare I say.

This kiss felt like a new beginning. Like a weight off my chest. Like what I have truly been craving all these years.

Not just lust, but love.

My eyes looked into his as he stared back at mine. A single tear rain down his eye and he gave a soft chuckle running his hand through my long hair.

A stiffen sharp pain ripped through my own hand making me hiss out. West's eyebrows furrowed as he grabbed my mangled hand softly, making my mutter a quick 'fuck'.

"I think it's broken."

"Me too." I muttered giving him a soft peck.

Blue lights swarmed the house making me sigh. I forgot I called the cops on my way here.

Everything was just so quick. When I saw West sitting on the couch with a black eye and his father with that shit-eating grin, I lost all control of myself. In fact, I believe I blacked out for the majority of his fathers beating. I couldn't remember the parts in between it all.

"Fuck." Westley whispered

a/n: communication has occurred. yay!!

as always,
take care of yourselves <3

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