~Chapter 4~ A Rabid What?!

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~Camille's Point Of View~

I woke up to find myself on land. How did I get on land? I was lying on my back, absorbing heat from the sun. Finding a tree nearby, I dragged myself towards it to get in the shade. I was too tired and too shocked to stand up. I suddenly heard noises in the trees above me.

Thoughts swirled around in my head of what that could be. And what happened yesterday. And why I was here. I looked back over to the area I was once laying down on. That's when I saw something. A trail. Someone had dragged my body over here, near the trees. But who?

Once again, the leaves in the tree began to rustle. I stayed calm, because it was obvious it was just a bird. While I tried to gather clues about who dragged me here, I saw a giant ape near the spot I was once laying. Wait, an ape dragged me here?! It was fast asleep, and if I have watched enough Animal Planet, I know those animals DO NOT mess around.

I quickly scurried away from it, eager to get out of this area. I could hear the screech of monkeys in the trees above me as I ran. Where am I? I asked myself. I asked myself this question over and over again. That was until I tripped over something warm and furry in the middle of me running.

Once I got back up, I dusted the dirt off my knees. I looked back down at the ground to see a monkey. But it looked terribly sick. 

A brown monkey was lying on it's back, foaming at the mouth. It's eyes were bloodshot, and it constantly kept trying to bite me when I wanted to get to the other side of it. During all of this, it was letting out depserate cries of pain. I let out a blood-curdling scream at the sight of this.

Suddenly, everything was quiet. A bit too quiet. I looked down and saw that the monkey was dead. When I turned my head to check if the big ape that dragged me here was still here, it wasn't.

I sighed with relief. Until I felt a big hand grab me by the shoulder. 

Once again, I screamed. "Well hello to you too." I heard a voice mumble.

I turned around to see THE Harry Styles behind me. I wrapped my arms around him. Famous or not, he just cured my deep feelings of loneliness. When I looked up at his face, I saw that it was twisted in various sorts of pain.

He was still rubbing at his ears. "Sorry I damaged your ear drums." I muttered under my breath. I can't believe this is my first time being alone with Harry Styles and I almost made him deaf.

"That's not important." He said. "What is really important is that I want to figure out is how did we get to this place and where are we?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but not before we heard ruffling in the trees in front of us. Harry pushed me back and stood in front of me as if he was going to protect me. I sighed. He's so dreamy.

I heard Faith's voice come from the trees as two pairs of footsteps made their way closer to us. Harry and I looked at each other in confusion. I thought we were alone on this island...

"I'm telling you Louis, this is where I heard her scream!" I heard Faith exclaim. "Sure you did!" Louis spat. "The same way you heard that airplane in the air!" 

"It was a false alarm!" She yelled back at him. Man, those two really hate each other. After more rustling, we saw the two stumble out in front of us.

I saw Faith lean toward Louis' ear. "I told you so." She hissed.

I laughed. Faith hates being wrong. Once Faith saw a clear image that I was okay, she ran over and hugged me. I looked over at Harry and Louis, and saw that they were having their own little reunion as well.

Once everyone was done hugging, I made them all stand across from me because I had to tell them everything that had happened. That was, until I felt another hand on my shoulder. I laughed, thinking that it was probably Liam.

All of their eyes widened as they looked behind me. "What is it guys?" I asked. Faith simply pointed behind me, too awestruck to speak. 

I turned around to see the ape. He was foaming at the mouth and his eyes were bloodshot. I thought this was my time to die. Until the ape suddenly staggered back and fell to the floor.

I looked over and saw that Harry had a sharp rock in his hand that doubled as a knife. Throwing the blood covered rock onto the ape, Harry approached us all. "New plan." He said. "Always stick together with someone, even if you are going to the bathroom."

We all nodded in agreement. We really didn't want this to happen and have someone attacked. But even WITH the buddy system, things probably could still go wrong... 

Or maybe not.

Unless of course, your buddy falls asleep while they are trying to protect you.

That's when the nightmare happens and you realize something: You are going to die.


~Author's Note~

CLIFFHANGER PALOOZA! I love annoying you guys with my annoying cliffhangers. :3 Anywho, what did you think Camille meant by that? That's the question of the chapter. I think I should make these cliffhangers more often.. YEAH I SHOULD! :3

Lots Of Carrots,


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