~Chapter 8~ And The War Begins

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~Niall's POV~

There was no way some evil, heartless people were going to get away with hurting Wendy. Because of them, Wendy could have died! Thank God for Hazel because if it weren't for her, I would still be sitting here, panicking and not knowing what to do to stop the bleeding.

"Niall, how come we are just finding out that you and Wendy are cousins?" Louis asked curiously. Everyone was still pretty much in shock once they found out that I was related to Wendy.

"Louis, we can talk about this later." I said. "Right now, we need a plan in order to kill those stupid tribal people that almost ended Wendy's life."

Faith shook her head. "No Niall. Would you rather risk your own life just to get vengance? Violence is never the answer!" She was right. I couldn't just go and do that. I sighed. "You're right, Faith. I shouldn't risk my life. It would be stupid."

Sabrina wrapped her arm around my waist, smiling at me while she cocked her head to the side. God, she is so pretty. Why can't she be my girlfriend? Oh yeah, because I don't want to fall in love with someone on this bloody island and just see them die right after.

Faith looked down at her hands in her lap. "Who do you think is next?" She whispered. We all looked at her and then each other. 

Louis cleared his throat. "I think we should stop thinking so negative and focus on the positive things." Sabrina nodded. "He's right."

I sighed. I suddenly heard my stomach grumble. "Hey, I got an idea." I heard Faith say. "How about we eat the rest of these skittles for dinner then go looking for a fish to cook?"

My stomach grumbled at the sound of food being mentioned. I have never been without food for this long. Sooner or later, I know that I'm going to loose it.

Faith took off her sweatshirt and left it on the ground, so that way it was in the middle of our group. Now that I admit, she is really pretty but completely out of my league. I do know that Faith would make the perfect girl for Louis.

Even though they hate each other, I could feel the tension giving away more and more as the days go on.

She tore open the pack of Skittles, and poured them all onto her sweatshirt before counting them out so she could see how many skittles each of us would get.

Believe it or not, there were five hundred skittles in all so that meant that we got one hundred each. I quickly scooped up my pile, putting inside of both front pockets of my shorts.

Everyone else did the same, except for Faith, who put her share back into the package before sliding it into her purse. Slipping back on her sweatshirt, she stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked her with a mouth full of Skittles. "Come on." She motioned for us to follow her. "We need to go look for a fish. Skittles don't last forever, you know."

She had a point. As we looked around for a river, all of us would occasionally eat a Skittle. I suddenly heard running water. I walked over to where I heard it, mesmerized by the sound. I hear everyone's voices and they sounded far away.

Right when I walked up to the river, I saw the running river of a waterfall flow into it. You have to admit, it was pretty loud. Everyone else soon came up behind me, and we all watched in awe to capture the beauty of the waterfall.

That was when we saw them. Those same tribal people that hurt Wendy. Those same ones that ruined the chance of survival for us. I picked up a rock and walked over to them. I ignored the voices and I constantly heard Wendy plead for me to get back.

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