Chapter 2 - Reunion

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"Ok... What the fuck?" Y/n cursed. "All I've encountered are these creatures that look like pigs. I think something is going on, they have armor and weapons and communicate with each other."

Walking through the forest, Y/n picks up a long blade from the dead orcs. Inspecting the sword, it reminds him of Yami and... Asta. Sighing over his thoughts, Y/n burns the bodies of the dead orcs and continues to walk to his destination.

"Whatever is happening in this place doesn't concern me. What I need to be concerned about is my survivability and finding Noelle... Wherever she may be." Y/n turned his head as he heard a noise from the trees.

3 orcs came out from behind the trees and attacked Y/n. One of them seemed to be a leader, maybe the only orcs in the area. But that didn't matter, the orcs were quickly disposed of by Y/n's flame magic.

Y/n stopped at the last orc and held it by the neck. Fear is seen in the eyes of the orcs but why?

Upon closer inspection, Y/n looks at the reflection the orc's eyes give. It shows a demon with armor as its body, a mask as its face, and white hair flowing from the mask.

"I look... terrifying." Seeing himself off the reflection of the orc, Y/n is reminded of Dante and his beast-like form.

"I hate it." Throwing the orc to the ground, Y/n stabs the orc out of self-hate, killing it.

"Sand." Y/n called out.

"Yes master?" Sand replied in his head.

"How much until I get to the lake?" Y/n questioned.

"Calculating... Coordinates locked... Distance measured... Process completed..." Sand sounded monotone and cold. It freaked Y/n out. "500 feet away."

"That's still a long way... Maybe if I run I'll get there in time?" Y/n contemplated. "I can use my flame magic to boost myself."


"Mother, what's happening?" Noelle asked as she saw other undines moving at a fast pace.

Her mother looked at Noelle with worry. "Something just came up with the generals and it isn't good news."

"What?" Noelle began to worry as well. She doesn't understand but she knows it's something along the lines of war.

But who? And why? It's only been a couple of hours since she and her mother have been reincarnated.

"What could possibly be going on?" Noelle muttered.

Her mother heard her mutter but didn't answer. Instead she changed the topic of the conversation.

"There was an envoy here talking about an alliance to form. Someone by the name of Rimuru, the leader, wanted."

Noelle asked her mother: "Did you accept it?"

Her mother nods. "According to the envoy a large orc army is coming here to settle forcibly. As such they would provide assistance."

Noelle shredded the image of going to battle. One bad memory repeated in her head: death, misery, and freight. Sure over the months of her being a magic knight she battled a lot of powerful opponents but she won because she had people who helped her.

Now, in this new world who would be willing to help her? She doesn't know these people (personally) and neither do they.

"If only Y/n were here." Noelle spoke.

"It's okay. I'm sure he's out there finding you." Her mother consulted.

3 bangs from the door caught the 2 reincarnaters by surprise. A undine called out from the door of a report.

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