The Date

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If you guys have been reading this so far, you've realized these chapters are a little longer. Well, today's is going to be extremely long, but trust me it'll be worth it. ;) ~E

Friday finally came! I thought I was going to have to wait for forever to get to go out with Jake. The dress and shoes I got were just absolutely perfect, and I was itching to put them on. I decided I should wait and just wear something simple, but cute to school today.

(Tom's POV without JJ Knowing)

I'm going to call Dad and Uncle Jensen and see if they can fly down tonight to see JJ off on her date. I dialed the phone and Dad answered after four rings.

"Hey Buddy, what's up?" My dad said answering.

"Hey Dad! Do you guys have many plans today?"

"Not that I know of, I think tonight is the date night for us and our wives, so I think we've got the night off. Why?"

"Perfect, can I talk to Uncle Jensen?"

"I just put you on speaker. We're sitting in the hotel room right now. What's up bud." My dad said asking.

"JJ is going out with Jake tonight and..."

Jensen interupted, "What?! She's doing What?"

"She's got a date with Jake tonight sir. And I was wondering..."

Jensen didn't let him finish again, "Forget tonight's dinner," I could hear him say to Jared, "We're going home. I'm not missing out on JJ's first date, and I need to make sure she's not going out with some loser."

My dad piped in, "Jensen, she'll be fine. The producers will flip if you AND I aren't their tonight."

I kind of felt like a fly on the wall at this point just listening to their conversation.

Jensen said to my Dad, "Fine, you can stay, but I'm not leaving JJ alone tonight. Daneel and I will call my pilot and be back in Dallas by 5 oclock texan time."

I could hear my Dad was annoyed as he exhaled, "Well, JJ's my little girl, and I'm not going to have any daughters with first dates, so I want to be there for her too. We'll all just go. I'll call the producers and let them know that we can't make it."

I finally decided to speak up. "Thanks Uncle Jensen! I really wanted you guys to be here tonight for her."

My mom suddenly got nervous. "Danee, what are we going to do about Jensen and Jake realizing he's JJ's dad."

Jensen said sarcastically, "Isn't that kind of the point?"

"No, JJ has developed kind of a secret identity. At school she isn't JJ Ackles, she's JJ Jensen. She took the name from you. Anyway, the whole thing will be a bust if he realizes it's you who is her father. He thinks you're some lawyer in New York."

"Well, I'm not, and if some boy wants to take my daughter out, I'm going to meet him."

I could hear how uneasy my mom was, "Jensen you're going to ruin this whole thing."

"No I'm not. I'll make up a fake name for now, until we know we can trust the kid. Then We'll tell him the news."

I freaked out on my mom, "No mom! We've been best friends for years, and if he finds out I've been hiding half of my life from him, he'll think it's all been a sham!"

I could hear Danne start to talk, "Why don't we just explain to him what the situation is and if he freaks out on Tom, we'll get him and Tom tickets to Fall Out Boy and it'll all be settled."

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