The Call

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(JJ's POV)

I woke up the next morning, still in Jakes arms, as I heard my phone go off. I knew it wasn't the alarm because Jake and I didn't want to wake up before ten. I leaned over to the side of the bed and grabbed my phone. Still in Jake's arms I answered the phone.

"Hello." Without a doubt I knew I sounded like I had just woken up.

"Hello, is this Justice Ackles?" A woman's voice on the other side of the phone asked.

I yawned in bed and said, "Yes, this is she."

"Hi JJ, this is Karsyn, I'm your dad's new assistant. I was wondering if there was a time today I could meet with you and Jake?"

"Hi. My dad didn't mention anything about a new assistant, but I guess if he gave you my number then that makes sense. And sure, Jake and I are free around noon if you want to have lunch somewhere here in New York."

"I'd love too. I just need to meet with you kids. How about we meet for pizza at Joe's Pizza at noon?"

"Sounds great! Oh and what was your name again?"


"Okay, awesome! Thanks Karsyn!"

I hung up the phone and rolled over laying on Jakes chest as he wrapped his arm around me.

"What was that about." Jake said hardly even awake.

"That was my dad's new assistant. I guess she wants to meet with us for pizza at noon."

"Alright I'm down." He rolled me into him and we just laid together sleeping for another hour until our alarm finally went off.

We got up and hurried to get ready. Emily and Trevor came out and ready for the day by eleven. They had plans to go Christmas shopping together today so it worked out great that we had the meeting with Karsyn.

By eleven thirty Jake and I walked out of the hotel. As we walked through the exit doors he grabbed my hand and we decided that since it was just a few blocks away, we'd just walk. As we walked out the door, there were cameras and publicity standing all around crowding us. Jake was a natural as if he had been used to it before.

"Excuse me!" he yelled, "We have a lunch meeting and will not be taking any questions today. Thank you for understanding." He pushed through the crowd and we were on our way.

As we began walking and were away from publicity he started talking to me, "Alright Jay, so is that something we're going to have to get used to?"

"Pretty much. It got really bad in Dallas, and that's why we were so happy when we moved to San Antonio even though we missed our family and friends. Even though I met you and my life changed."

Jake smiled and even blushed a little. "Alright beautiful. So, what do you think this meeting is about?"

"I've been thinking about that. It's either my Dad couldn't come see us to check in so he sent her, or something happened with us and she needs to break it to us."

He looked nervous. "Something happened? Like what? Should we be worried?"

"No don't worry. If anything happened Karsyn know's how to fix it. And if anything did happen it would just be bad publicity or something."

"Oh okay. And she knows how to get us out of that situation if that was a problem?"

"Yeah, there's a reason my dad would have hired her."

Jake nodded in agreement. After about another ten more minutes of walking we were to the restaurant.

A woman was waiting outside in a black pencil skirt and a red blouse with a scarf. She was holding a brief case and looked very professional.

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