//Chapter Five: Caught..//

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[CW:Mid zwearing and zmall bl00d menti0nz]


It was a other quiet night at the Rainbow Factory. Lights and machines where out for the night. Everyone was getting ready for bed.. except for one banana.

"We appreciate your work a lot kiddo but why stay up cleaning? You know everyone needs a break from time to time."

"Yeah but I just want to. You know?"

Banana was looking at peel who was making a sandwich in the break room. Peel usually gets a lot of breaks and plenty of rest since he's a janitor of course, but he was demanding a night shift. I wonder what's up his sleeve now.

"I'll be fine too, and plus I feel like I should clean a.. Little more that's all."

"Well.. Alright. I'll be in my room if you need anything."

With that banana came up from behind and gave peel a big bear hug to mess with him one last time.

"Your big brother also said sorry about him fighting with you earlier."

"Oh.. Well tell him I forgive him when you stop by at there room. And tell him I'm sorry for shouting at him."

Banana smiled and patted peels head.

"Goodnight! Make sure you don't make too much noise now!"

"Yeah yeah.. I know. Bye."

Peel watched his uncle walk out the break room. He waited until he didn't see him any longer and quickly he got off the stool he was standing on and ran up to the trash can across the room. He was digging in it and then pulled out a small backpack from the empty can and walked over to the fridge.

"Alright. Let's get started."

Inside the fridge there was about 7 brown lunch bags sitting around. He probably made food for the ones in the hide out. He then grabbed all the bags and placed then into the bag and packed some water too. He then looked around the dark faculty making sure the coast was clear and then ran off.

--With the others--

In the Hideout, everyone was sitting and kinda where like surrounding the entrance area with the hole in the wall waiting patiently for peel to come back.

"Any minute now.. And we'll finally get out of this place."

cherry was very eager to get out and couldn't resist but shake around his hand and smile while looking at the wall.

"I can't wait to get out too! I wonder if anything changed while we were gone."

"Eh. Probably, I just hope we don't get a lot of attention afterwards. You know like Netflix documentarys or news papers.. Books."

Orange said crossing his arms annoyed about his little thought. Broccoli chuckled at his response.

"Who knows Orange. It might be possible."

Pear gave Orange a little smug expression just to tease around.

"I really don't care what happens when we're out. As long I'm home, sitting in my favorite seat, sipping on sparkling wine then I'm good."

Cantaloupe said as he fantasizes about his life going back to normal.

"I would love all the attention. I mean image all the free stuff? And I'll get called a hero."

"Hero? Why a hero? You did nothing but mock everything and and cry about a spider being on your head."

Pear could help but giggle hearing cherrys reply to the apples little world.

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