Scaramouch's POV:

We're in my room cuddling or whatever- we're just enjoying each other's company, and I am honestly enjoying socializing.. We share a smooch every now and then. We were just talking when we hear,

"KUNIIII~" it was Mona. Sig probably told her that I was spending time with someone just so they can gang bang me like assholes. "YOU CANT IGNORE MEE! COME DOWN SOON!!" Mona is extremely loud when she wants to be and her voice is SO annoying. "Oh, ASLO APPARENTLY FOOD IS ALMOST DONE!" Does she ever shut the fuck up?

"Who's that?" I hear Ajax groan in his lil sleeepy voice, "what time is it?"

"no one important." why did he care about the time? "oh٫ and its٫ like٫ 7:08." I look up at him and run my hand across his face and give him a lil smooch. "We can go down now if you want"

"alrighty٫ lead the way, princess." He grins. We both get up, I take his hand and we walk out

"Dinners done, Ku- who is this?" Mona asks abruptly mid sentence

"Your mom٫ Now٫ shut the fuck up." I tell her. I look over to Ajax and whisper "you don't have to tell her٫ shit٫ if you don't want to" I reassure him

"It's alright" he pats me on the head and grins, "twink" he giggles at his own stupid name calling, he is extremely immature. "Forgive me for my rudeness, comrade! I'm childe, but Tartaglia works!" He reaches his hand out

Mona take his and they shake hands.. duh- "Nice to meet you, call me Mona! I'm a childhood friend of Scara, what are you exactly to him?" She shot daggers at him. If I don't know any better I would have thought she was upset and or angry, but, it's nothing like that though! She actually just wants even more ways to torture me and make my life miserable! Her whole goal in life is to be overwhelmingly annoying.

Ajax looks at me as if he was asking if it was okay to say something. I want to say that we're dating but we aren't technically, I mean don't get me wrong we've fucked but we never made it official. We've only know each other for like 5 weeks but I already knew that I wanted to be with him the rest of my life even if I want to hang him sometimes. I shake my head and in unison we say, "We're dating."

"HUH? SINCE WHEN??? WHY DID I NOT KNOW?? KUNIKUZUSHI! YOU NEED TO TELL ME EVERYTHING THAT GOES ON IN YOUR LIFE, AND ALSO YOU'VE BEEN IGNORING MY CALLS AND MESSAGES!" She is really loud, sometimes I wish Mona had an off switch. "Little bitch. ANYWAYS IGNORING THE GAYS- Dinner is done" She didn't stay on the subject so she'll probably bombard me with questions as soon as we're alone.

"Damn I knew y'all fucked but gah damn." I hear Sig say from the kitchen and Mona's face if filled of shock.

"Bro. It's like I'm not even in your life anymore- we need to catch the fuck up yo." Mona, the most annoying bitch ever.

"Whatev- okay but I don't want to hear about your love life is one thing I must tell you." Whenever she starts talking about the people she's fucking, or supposedly in love with, she always goes into detail, like deep detail. It's vomit worthy, it's absolutely horrendous.

"Deal" Mona says before sitting down at the dining table that we finally got like 2 weeks ago when it was supposed to arrive two MONTHS ago. Never ordering from there again, 3 stars- the quality is quite nice... I guess.

"Served, I know it's your favorite so.. I cook Unagi Chazuke just the way you like it. So Shimi Chazuke." Sig says, that's actually the nicest thing she's done for me besides letting me live here. "If it tastes like shit it's because your recipe."

"Kay- I think it would be your cooking but you do you I guess. Anyways where are the chopsticks?" I say the last sentence giggling a little

"Are you kidding me- why the chopsticks again.." Ajax says pouting

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