Scaramouch POV:

It's another bright and beautiful day- not. More like it's another horrific day of school for angsty gay teen boys that want to kill themselves. I honestly wish all of the people I cared about croaked so I wouldn't have another reason to live and I could just slit my wrist and be done with it. If you can't tell, I HATE school.

I sit up and go to my dresser. It's getting chilly so I decided a heavier look would be better. I thought about it again though and decided against it. I picked loose Jean shorts flared at the bottom. I put on a black tight shirt that's slightly see through. To cover that I put on a cropped short sleeve loose white jacket. I put on black boots and added my black arm warmers and light blue leg warmers over my boots. Finally i was dressed so I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth wash my face and put my liner on. I slashed a red line across the top of my eye and did the same for my other. I grab my lip supplies and start working on them so I don't look like a walking zombie. I line the middle bottom of my lip and do the same for my upper middle lip. I then grab the pigmented powder, it's not eyeshadow and It's not lipstick I don't know the exact name but it helps give the velvety soft ombré lip look. I get out of the bathroom get my shit together and stand in the living room waiting for Sig.

"Hey rat you ready?" Signora comes in she's in a red dress black heels and is wearing a cropped black fluffy jacket.

"Yeah sure, whore." I roll my eyes and walk out the door leaving her behind.

"Hey don't leave me asshole!" She rushes behind me.

We get to the car and hop in. I'm driving. We pull out of the parking thing and drive to the academy. Signora is in charge of the music, she plays a Kesha mix playlist and we both sings along to the songs.

Once we reach the school we get out and go in going to the gym where we're forced to wait till we can go to our home room. Signora sits next to me and soon after Child Dottore and pantalone

"Wassup." Childe says kindly rapping his arm around me.

"Hey, ginger." I don't pay him much mind I'm too busy doing something on my phone to give him my full attention. The ginger rolls his eyes and snatches my phone. "Hey! Bitch!" Childe giggles and lays his head on my lap

"You love me, don't lie." Childe says cheekily with a smirk. I guess he isn't wrong, I do love him.. but I ain't bouta fuckin say that.

"Not even in your darkes most wildest fantasies." I flick him on the forehead and he simply frowns at me.

"Lies, you're totally super duper in love with me. Or else you wouldn't be dating me" Childe sits up and goes and kisses me before laying back down on my lap as if it's the comfiest thing he's ever laid on.

I won't lie I forgot we were dating.. but that's okay. He doesn't have to know that. "Hm.. fair point." I simply smile and kiss back playing with his ginger locks until the bell rings and everyone heads to their home room.

Me and dottore are in the same home room so we head there together. Just then I realize just how ugly he really is.. bro is hideous...

Once we're at the room we sit down in our seats and wait for the bell to ring again. Despite being in college we still have to do this in the morning. (This is not actually true however I started writing it so it is now.)  Once the bell rings we do whatever. Some kids don't have classes till later and some have them right after home room. I'm one of the kids who has a class right after home room. I'm taking a class on game programming and Childe is in that class with me. Once the bell rings everyone heads out of the room either to go home or to head to a class. I head to the room the class is held and sit at a seat in the middle so I can still see but I also have some distance from the teacher. Soon after the same stupidly lovable idiot ginger sits next to me grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Hello gingerbread man." I say kissing his cheek.

"Hehe, you'll never catch me~" Childe says and we both laugh before turning our attention to class. Soon the teacher finishes his lecture and we're given stuff to work on and me and Childe finish ours together. It was a basic assignment so even he had no problem doing it. "Hey! This is pretty easy! Huh, grapey?"

"The fuck did you just call me?" I say raising an eyebrow at his name calling. I do suppose it makes sense, I do have purple hair after all.. but honestly I think it's more blue than just pure purple.. isn't that indigo? Also can't grapes be green? I ain't green.

"Grapey! You're purple! However you're kinda blue.. so like i d k maybe blueberry? That's kinda the color." Childe is apparently thinking hard about this which is a change because usually he doesn't think of anything.

"I suppose.. it's fucking stupid though. I taste better." I grin and Childe grins back

"True. That's true. How could I? Compare you to a lesser taste." I think he's being sarcastic but honestly so am I.

"How dareee. You. Absolute betrayal. Treason. Off with your head!"

"That's a bit far." Childe says laughing his ass off

"That's good, I like going too far." I say and we both laugh out.

Words: 1000
Bruuuuuhhhhhhh. Lolz I'm out of the ward guysssss.  I dunno it didn't do nuttin.. but like that's cool. Imma go vibe tho. Maybe I'll do something for Christmas?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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