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Scaramouch's POV

I'm in Ajax's arms I feel comfy I have let my gaurd down completely. I feel happy٫ I think about my past decisions and I feel so stupid... why would I cut? I don't even want to think about it at the moment.. does that mean I'm healing? But then I feel a disgusting feeling come over the atmosphere it felt so suffocating and uncomfortable...

"S- Kuni.. Kunikezushi.. are you, okay?" I can hear Ajax whisper.

"Of course?.." I obviously lie

"The cuts.. on your arm... they're new, are they not?" Ajax say's and he sounds hurt.

"They're from, like, a week ago it's alright ginger." I come up with, and I'm not lying they are about a week old... the only thing is I'm not okay. I felt the happiness and peace leave and I just wanted to run and lock myself in the bathroom splitting my arm open everywhere. I need to stay calm I won't be able to be with Ajax if I'm not stable.. remember what Sig and you discussed you idiot. I think back.. Place, senses, happiness. Think of you favorite place, what can you sense there... touch, see, taste, hear, and smell. After you're given happiness for however long that works. Kitchen at sig's, I can touch silverware, see smoke, taste horrible cooking, hear laughter, and smell a finished product. I calm myself.. I'm cool and okay absolutely nothing can ruin me.

"A week is still fresh" Ajax says before picking me up and taking me down stairs, "Before you talk, I know you can walk but this is easier. Oh, and we're going downstairs so I can bandage your arms." Ajax put me on the counter of the bathroom and looked for bandages. "AHA" he screeched. "There we go! Now I can patch you up!" He grabbed my arm and bandaged it better. I felt the ick lift and I felt better... I felt genuinely cared about. "Now come I'm gonna cook for you."  He says before walking out.

I dropped down onto the floor and try to walk before being greeted with a terrible ass ache. " yikes!" I yelp before crashing to the floor.. "Forgot about that, haha.." I whisper to myself.

Ajax runs over and helps me up, "are you alright kuni?" He asks...

"Yeah, I'm alri-" I get interrupted by Ajax picking me up and putting me in a chair in the kitchen.

"I'll cook and then we can relax for rest of the day." He says I nod my head cus I don't really care but I want to show I'm paying attention somewhat. "Great how about.. bamboo shoot soup? Zhongli taught me how to cook it!" He says excited

 bamboo shoot soup? Zhongli taught me how to cook it!" He says excited

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"Sure?" I say it can't be as bad as Ei's cooking so it'll be fine. Ajax gets to cooking٫ he seems to know his way around our kitchen already so I take the time to relax. I say in the chair and scrolled through my phone till I heard Ajax say food is done.

"There we go! Bamboo shoot soup, Zhongli's way!" He says placing the food down for me. "A soup that's been stewed a long while. One whiff is enough to crave more, haha!" He goes on but I don't listen. He places some for himself and he sits down beside me. "Tasty" he notes to himself

I decided I should try some, "mm.." I let out, it's tasty and flavorful all the flavors fill my mouth it's like I've spread a pair of wings and I'm walking on clouds. "Wow, you really can cook" I tease.

"Duh, I'm absolutely amazing at everything!" He boasts pointing to himself.

I scoff an look over, "somehow I doubt that." I say in a brutally honest tone.

"UH" he screeched, "you wound me Kuni!" He says dramatically falling back into his seat putting his hand over his face whipping of the non existent sweat. Ajax magically gained back the will to live and suggest activities, "We can go watch scary movie the third, we could have a round two, we could play games, and we can probably visit Dottore since the other two are probably at his house."

"Scary movie three, and then ig we can visit the others." I decide

"Alright, come along then." He says before helping me get up the stairs to my room and on my bed.

No one's POV: they finish the movie

Scaramouch's POV:

We finished the movie and it was somehow worse than the second. I guess we should have realized that it was going to be bad since 34% that voted hated it. I felt a warm breathe on my neck and slight and soft snores, "Ajax?" I asked. I got no response. He was asleep so I laid back comforting my back on to him making sure he was still comfortable though. I soon fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up it was around 12pm now and Ajax still wasn't awake. "Ajax?" I move my hand to touch his, "we need to get up" I suggest to still get no response. "Ajax~" I slur my words too tired to realize, "wake up, luv~" that's when I practically feel his heart jump out of his chest.

"Love, aye? . . . I like it." He says stuffing his head into the crevice of my neck. "Well, what do you want to do today.. baby?" He says smirking real wide. "What about round two?" He teases

"I need to pack my stuff and such since I'm going pack to my place today I can drop my stuff off get Sig's shit she wanted me to grab from the apartment and then we can head off to Dottore's" I suggest, I had procrastinated for long enough I think it was time to get my shit together. I grab Ajax's hand pulling it to my mouth and giving a lil smooch before holding it close to my heart.

"Well, sounds like a plan to me" He says glancing at me and smiling

I MADE SOMETHING BITCHES... Anyways I split my knuckles open and now I'm bleeding😘 I also have a shit life rn and nothing is helping so that might cause me to right more or less we'll have to see lmfao. Buh-Bye! Ilysmm you down bad baddies😍

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