Scaramouch POV

We get in the car and drive off. About 10 or so minutes later we get to the apartment complex. "Hurry up or I'll leave you in here." I climb out of the car waiting for him.

"Give me a damn minute sir."


"Rude- anyways let's go." He rolls his eyes AGGRESSIVELY

"Lmao ok" and with that we start heading in

We reach the room and I try opening the door, I had expected it to be locked but I guess we didn't do that. Anyways, me and Childe walk in and shut the door behind us. "Soooooo, no one's hereeee..." He looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows like a dork- "why don't we you knoww... have some fun?" He grabs my hand

"Signora and Mona are waiting for us, sorry not this time. I promise we can another time." I kiss his cheek and go to sigs room to look for her skate board then to mine and do the same as well as grabbing an extra. I walk up to childe and grab his hand and kiss it.

"That's like that cutest thing you've ever done.." he says pulling me into a tight hug

"UEGHHH C- CHILDE I- I CA- CUH- CANT BREATHE!" I might die from this hug..

"Oh! Sorry mouch!" He plants a bunch of kisses on my face and we walk out to the car. He does have to carry the other board so I don't drop them.

We walk a bit more and get to the car, we put the stuff in the back and we start on our way to the Park.  We get to the park and walk over to the two. "Hey! We're back" I hand Sig her board "Also we need to start locking the door."

"Did you two not lock it? Also I swear to the lord if anything bad happened in that car I will start being homophobic." Signora rolls her eyes and sets her board down.

"Don't worry we didn't. Also that wasn't a very long time, have some faith in childe." I put my board down too. "And I thought you turned the thing, I guess I should have checked."

"You guess? Obviously you should have locked the door are you stupid?" Mona rolls her eyes

"Yes, yes, he is." Childe sets his board down with us two

"Whatev, go be queer over that way" Mona says getting on her phone

We skate or whatever- around 1ish pm we all get hungry so we head out for food.

We get to this Chinese restaurant, Mona says one of her friends recommended it, I trust Xinyan's opinion. We get in the place and are seated when a teen younger than us walks over to our table.

"Hey Mona! You brought friends? Oh, sorry I'm talking too much! Well what would you lovely people like to drink?" She is I think as tall as me maybe shorter or taller by inch or so. She has deep blue hair and big bright eyes. Her name is Xiangling. And no, I don't know her. It says so on her tag.

"I'll have tea." Mona says with a smile. Probably the nicest she's ever looked t b h.

"You have Pepsi products, yes?" Childe asks

"Yup!" She cheers

"Then Mountain Dew" he says

"osmanthus wine" Siggy says

"Don't you have to be 21 to drink?" I question

"Nah, not in Sumeru at least, it's 18 here." She answers

"Alright. Also, I'd like water." I say

"Alright! I'll be back in a bit!!" She says skipping off into the distance

Under the table I can feel Childe's hand slowly grip and rub my thigh continuing up. I simply step on his foot and he stops. We start talking about school and some of the trauma going on such as Nahida openly admitting her least favorite is Dottore or how (Y/N) (Aether) and his sister (Y/N)(Lumine) have fucked just about everyone at school. Xiangling comes back with our drinks and we start ordering food.

Mona orders Golden Shrimp Balls, Childe ordered Calla Lily Seafood Soup, Signora ordered Tianshu meat, and I ordered Grilled tiger fish.

We finished eating and hoped in the car, I'm driving.
First I drop Mona off, then we head to Childe's a give him a kiss and bid him a farewell.

"That was so gay, you even walked him to the door!" Signora says getting up front

"Shut the hell up, whore." I say rolling my eyes and pulling out of the drive way heading to our house.

We get to the house and I immediately get clothes and strip so I can clean my self. Once I shower I watch TV for a bit. I'm rewatching Gravity falls. It's around 10 so I brush my teeth and head to my room. I'm on my phone till around 12 and officially fall asleep at 1-2 am.

Sorry this is rushed, I'm out of the ward now and my sanity is slowly decreasing so sorry if I'm not posting.

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