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Scaramouch's POV:

I wake up on Ajax at about 8am. He's awake on his phone so I say hello to him. "Hi~ good morning" I say giving him a smooch, and another, and a couple more.❤️

"Instead of Mouchie it should be Smoochie, haha." Ajax says tackling me and giving me kisses full of love back.

"Honestly, I would prefer neither." I say and we both just lay next to each other lovingly giggling like middle school girls.

"HEY LOVE BIRDS!" Mona bursts in the room, "foods done." She says still in her school uniform she was wearing last night. (she goes to a private school or something for astrology / astronomy +  science / math because she hopes to work at NASA or something ig- [idk bare with me lmao] )


Credits to the artist, If you know who the artist is tell me so I can give credits

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Credits to the artist, If you know who the artist is tell me so I can give credits. Also not gonna lie found this on Pinterest.

"Do you know what knocking is?" This is a genuine question that was asked by me. "Also do you need clothes? I have the clothes you left the last time you were here." She visits once a month and randomly in between.

"Well I couldn't have walked in on anything too bad. And yes, yes I do these clothes are nice but not for all day wear." She says officially walking in my room.

"We could have been fucking" Ajax suggested,

Then I said, "Or dead."

"Ew- and I wish you were sometimes n g l." She literally is so annoying-

"K y s." I say

"Right back at you. Anyways where are the clothes I left?" She changes the subject fast before I can strike back.. how sad.

"Bathroom, in the basket on the dryer." I just want her to leave t b h.

"Kk bye gayysss!" She shuts the door and leaves.. finally.🥰

"Wanna go eat?" I ask because personally I'm hungry as fuckkk. Instead of replying he just hugs me from behind and raps his legs around me. "You okay ginger?" But he doesn't reply he just hugs me tighter "I'm gonna stop breathing if you hug me any tighter.. you can tell me if something is wrong I'll listen even if I don't give good advice I can at least lend an ear." He smooches me and starts biting and licking my neck. "Really? Fine. But only because you seem sad!"

Then he whispers in my ear in his breath taking morning voice, "Awe, thanks shortie<3 we can go eat now." Ghh I want suck his dick just for that drop dead gorgeous voice.. but I'm hungry as hell.. and girlie knows I have my priorities straight even if I'm not.

"Good, cus I am literally so fucking hungry I'm actually going to faint if I don't eat here soon." I didn't even exaggerate I dead ass feel like I'm gonna faint. 😐

"Alright, let's go princess." He grins and picks me up

"Gorl- stop calling me that! And put me the fuck down you٫ stupidly٫ adorable٫ ginger!" I bark at him (Scara a furry confirmed???????)

"Oh hey! You're getting creative with your insults," He looks at me dead in the eye, "twink~"

"Glad to see you aren't. And don't say twink so seductively🤨" I give him a smooch "weirdo.. my, sweet adorable ginger, weirdo<3" I mess up his hair a lil as if it wasn't already messed up from where he slept with his hair wet.

"That's actually sweet of you! Glad that you're being so nice!" He let's me down and kisses my forehead.

"But seriously, Ajax, are you alright?" I am dead ass concerned.

"After breakfast, you need to eat first." After he says this he pats my head grabs my hand and drags me out into the dining room before I could even respond.

Childe's POV:

I honestly don't want to eat.. but I don't want people worried or anything, I hate it when people pity me. I've ate way more than I do in a week in these past couple of days, I'm not totally sure if it's a good or bad thing but I feel a little sick. I guess in the days I was in the pit I gained an anorexia because after I just stopped eating. I mean I still ate but just not often in big portions. I guess my way of hiding it is eating what I would in one portion in little portions every now and then it makes it seem like I'm eating a lot more than what I actually am. When eating too much my body isn't use to it and often times I end up vomiting or sick in general. I think my plan is smart. 😌

Whatever, we get to the table and sit down. For once it's something I can use utensils other than chopsticks. I'm Russian, if you didn't know. Unfortunately I lost my accent when I moved to Canada. I believe Kuni is of Asian origins pacifically Japanese origins. Sig is German and I think that's what the Mona girl is as well. Dottore is from the Middle East and Pantalone I have no clue about. I can speak Russian, just barely- the less I use it the less it stays in my brain. I still know basics tho. Anyways.. what were we talking about? 😅

"You can thank one's self for this wonderful breakfast" Mona blurts out

And laugh and say "thanks!" If it matters

"I don't thank imbeciles." Scaramouche gives a sharp smile to her and she rolls her eyes

Sig rolls her eyes as well "whatever- it better be good! I risked you burning my kitchen." Sig seems visually annoyed

"Thanks for trusting me, Sig." Mona giggles

"I just didn't want to cook" I assume you know who said this.

The indigo haired boy next to me then raised his voice, "s t f u I'm hungry- can we eat now?" Why wasn't he eating already? No one knows.. except I do. He likes eating when everyone else does, it makes him happy. He would NEVER admit it though.

"You could have been eating ages ago! Don't blame us for your lack of thought." Mona says.

The both start eating, then me and Sig join as well. The food was good.. and the sickening feeling I had is gone. Usually I don't feel good after eating. As I've said before. Am I happy? I mean of course.. but I mean I'm physically happy. It feels good. And I owe this feeling to Mouchie.. glad it was him.

I'm at my dads rn so I won't have time to do stuff
Sorry if I'm not posting. We have to participate
In family activities so little time to myself.
Have a good day my lil meow meows

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