Thomas Arrives

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"Wonder when the newbie is gonna be up." Alexis says as she is helping Winston in the animal pens.

"Soon. Why didn't you go with Minho today?" Winston asks as he looks at Alexis.

"Eh. He gave me the day off. I've been running everyday for the past month and so he gave me the day off to rest." Alexis says.

"Yeah well just do me a favor and don't scare the animals have to death trying to herd them into the pen if they get lose again." Winston says.

"Hey I didn't do it on purpose besides not my fault I'm a wolf." Alexis says.

"You're not just a wolf you're also a pretty good person. Pain in the ass sometimes but still a good person. Just downright scary when your pissed off." Winston says as Alexis smiles.

"Hey it'll teach Gally not to piss me off besides I didn't harm him just made him hang upside down from a tree for a little while until he started talking to me with some sense." Alexis says as she laughs slightly.

"Again you're scary when you wanna be but still a good person all the same. Hey uh I got some I wanted to talk to you about." Winston says as Alexis looks towards the outside of the animal pens.

"Hey I think I hear the box coming up." Alexis says as she and Winston go to join the others as the box then comes up. as some of the boys open the box Gally then jumps down into the box as the boy looks at him.

"Day one greenie. Rise and shine." Gally says as he picks the boy up and throws him up onto the ground as the boys crowd around him talking among themselves before the boy gets up and pushes past them before he starts running.

"We got a Runner!" Clint shouts.

"Shouldn't somebody stop him?" Alexis asks as she goes over to Newt.

"Nah. I mean he isn't a girl like you are." Newt says.

"Excuse me. I told boys before to not treat me like a female. I'm not some helpless child." Alexis says offended.

"Sorry no offense. We just don't want to see you get hurt but no he should be fine." Newt says.

"Ooh. That had to hurt. Gonna feel that in the morning." Alexis says as the boy face plants into the ground.

"I think he's feeling it now." Newt says as Gally and a couple other boys go over to the newbie before putting him in the slammer so he'll calm down.

"Sorry about running out on you Winston so what did you want to tell me?" Alexis asks as she goes over to Winston.

"Oh uh it's nothing. Nevermind. Just wanted to say I'm glad you decided to help me this morning. You can go help the others now if you'd like." Winston says.

"Not a problem. If you need anything else give me a call." Alexis says as Winston nervously nods while she walks off.


"Hey Newt looks like Alby has the newbie out and showing him around." Alexis says pointing to Alby walking around with the newbie.

"Let's go greet him shall we love?" Newt asks as he and Alexis stop working momentarily.

"I think we shall." Alexis says as she blushes slightly at the nickname Newt has called her since her third month in the glade.

"Well then let's go." Newt says as Alexis follows him over to Alby and the newbie.

"Hey Alby. How are things this morning?" Alexis asks.

"Green bean meet Alexis and Newt. When I'm not around Newt is in charge." Alby says as the newbie looks at Alexis and Newt.

"Well then it's a good thing you're always around then. You know that was some dash you made earlier. For a second there I thought you had the chops to be a Runner until you face planted. That was great." Newt says as he and Alby laugh slightly.

"Alexis here is our Second in Command of the Runners." Alby says.

"Nice to meet you kid. Long as you treat me with respect and not just like a girl we'll get on fine." Alexis says kindly.

"Runners?" The newbie asks as he looks at Alexis, Newt, and Alby.

"Newt, Alexis do me a favor and go find Chuck." Alby says as Alexis and Newt do as he says.


"What's going on over there?" Jeff asks as Alexis is helping him carry some supplies as the two notice a group crowding around the newbie at the doors.

"Looks like the newbie just tried to leave and caught the wrong person's attention." Alexis says as she sees Gally getting very close to the boy.

"Shouldn't you be going over there?" Jeff asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Newt beat me to it. I'm gonna stay put." Alexis says.

"Well looks like he got things under control. Not the best way he could of done it though." Jeff says as the group comes walking over.

"Don't let him hear you say that. Newt what's going on?" Alexis asks as Newt comes over.

"Newbie wandered away from Chuck earlier. Things are under control now. Come on. Let's get back to work." Newt says as Alexis nods before the group gets back to doing what they were doing.

Wolf Runner The Maze Runner Newt X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now