Right Arm Survivor Camp

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"Alexis he's awake." Newt says as he comes outside where Alexis is sitting next to the door of the building the group is in.

"Good." Alexis says.

"I can take over if you want. You need to rest your leg anyway." Newt says.

"I'm okay Newt. Really.." Alexis says as Newt sighs.

"Alexis I know you worry for us. Especially after everything that's happened and that's happened to you but you don't have to be so protective. We worry about you too." Newt says as he sits down beside Alexis.

"I know Newt. It's just hard to relax and worry about the smaller things in life with everything going on." Alexis says as she lays her head on Newt's shoulder.

"I know love. It'll be okay. You'll see. Everything will work out. We just gotta stick together." Newt says as he holds Alexis's hand.

"How can you say it'll be okay Newt? You don't know that. Not for sure." Alexis says sadly.

"No but I do know this. No matter what I'm not leaving your side. Like I told you before. You became my reason for staying alive. I want you in my life and I'll do whatever I can to make that happen and see you happy again. I promise you that." Newt says as he kisses Alexis's forehead.

"Hey love birds we're leaving. Hurry up or we'll leave without you." Minho says as he comes outside.

"Yeah yeah. We're coming. Give us a moment." Newt says as Minho goes back inside.

"Well you heard him. Let's get going." Alexis says as she and Newt stand up.

"Alexis hold up." Newt says as Alexis looks at him.

"What is it newt?" Alexis asks curiously.

"You know I love you? Right?" Newt asks.

"Of course I do Newt. I love you too. I wouldn't be with you if I didn't. Now come on." Alexis says as she takes Newt's hand and begins to walk with him.


"Well I guess we're on foot." Jorge says as he stops the truck while the group get out seeing the rest of the road is blocked with abandoned cars.

"Get down!" Alexis shouts as the group is then being shot at causing them to get behind cars for cover.

"Is everyone okay!?" Thomas asks.

"We're fine!" Teresa shouts.

"Does anyone know where those bloody shots came from!?" Newt shouts as they are being shot at again.

"Everybody get ready to sprint back to the truck and hold your ears!" Jorge shouts before the others hear female voices and see two women up by Jorge and Thomas pointing guns at them and begin to line the group up before a young female brown wolf with green eyes comes out from behinds a car.

"Aris?" A dark haired women asks as she removes her face cloth.

"Oh my gosh! Harriet!?" Aris asks as the women comes over and hugs him while the other women comes over and hugs him as well.

"Leader? Is that you?" The wolf asks as Alexis recognizes the wolf.

"Venita!? You're okay!" Alexis says as she goes over to the wolf and hugs her.

"What's happening?" Minho asks as he and the others give confused looks.

"We were in the maze together." Aris says as he looks back at the others.

"Guys this is Venita. She's one of the wolves from my pack." Alexis says happily while Harriet whistles loudly.

"We're clear guys come on out!" Harriet shouts as people on the ledges of the mountains begin to appear.


"Hey Venita why don't you take your friend with you to the others. We're gonna take them them with us. Come find us when you're done." Harriet says as Venita looks at her as the group arrive in their base.

"Not a problem. Come on Alexis. The others will be so happy to see you." Venita says as she nuzzles Alexis's hand while Alexis looks at Newt.

"It's alright Alexis. This is something you've been waiting for. Go with her and see your pack. We'll see you later." Newt says as Alexis nods happily and follows after Venita in wolf form.


"So why did they take us then. That's something I still don't completely understand. We're not human at least not completely." Alexis says as she is walking with her older adoptive brother Seth.

"Well little sister that's something we didn't know until we met the Right Arm. They have a women here who explained why we were taken. It's something about us. In our blood that was different from the humans. Our blood has special healing properties. Making us impossible to get the virus even if bitten. But when they took you and when we found their research on you we found out you're different from us. Your blood is magnified ten times what ours is. Which is why they took you." Seth says.

"I still can't believe our pack is half of what it was. All those lives. gone." Alexis says sadly.

"Don't worry about it. We still remember them but at least now they are free." Seth says as Alexis looks at him and nods before Newt comes walking over.

"Well how did it go?" Newt asks.

"Wonderful. You were right. Things do have a way of working out." Alexis says as she shifts to human form and hugs Newt.

"I told you it would." Newt says as Alexis smiles.

"Who is he?" Seth asks as Alexis and Newt look at him.

"Seth this is my boyfriend Newt. He's what's kept a lot of my hope alive." Alexis says.

"That's your brother?" Newt asks.

"Got a problem with that?" Seth asks.

"Nope. No problem. Come on Alexis. The others are getting some better clothes and food." Newt says as Alexis looks at him.

"I'll see you and the others later Seth." Alexis says as Seth nods and smiles before walking off.


"I wish Alby could of seen all this." Newt says as he is sitting with Minho, Jeff, Alexis, and Frypan as Thomas comes over and sits with them.

"And Winston." Frypan says.

"Blackavar and Zart would of enjoy this place." Alexis says as Jeff nods.

"And Chuck." Thomas says as he is holding the statue he got from Chuck.

"He'd be proud of you. You know Tommy." Newt says as Thomas nods.

"Yeah." Thomas says.

"Hey Aris!" Frypan shouts as he sees Aris in the distance.

"Hey guys!" Aris shouts as he waves to the group.

"I kind of like that kid." Frypan says as he smiles.

"Yeah. Still don't trust him though." Minho says as the group laugh a bit at the comment.

"Hey where's Teresa?" Thomas asks.

"She went out there." Newt says as he points to the direction Teresa went as Thomas gets up and leaves.

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