Finally Free From WICKED

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"Minho he's awake." Alexis says as she is sitting with Minho while seeing Thomas and Newt walking around before the two go over to Thomas and Newt.

"Glad to see you're alive and well shank. You gave us quite a scare. You and Newt both did honestly." Alexis says as Minho hugs Thomas.

"Newt told me what you did for him Alexis. Thank you." Thomas says as Alexis smiles.

"And why wouldn't I risk my life to save my husband?" Alexis asks as she kisses Newt on the cheek.

"Husband?" Thomas asks shocked as he smiles looking at Newt.

"Yeah the shank pop that question soon as we hit the shores." Frypan says as he says.

"Surprised quite a few of us too." Jeff says.

"Should of seen how happy Alexis was. With the way she screamed we thought she was being attacked by something. Turns out she was just pretty happy Newt asked her to be his wife. Took him long enough. I thought her brother was gonna lose it when she told him but he didn't." Gally says.

"Well there's no better time than the present now is there Gal?" Newt ask as he smiles.

"But doesn't mean he's getting out of the teasing so easily. Just remember if you ask me to babysit and I make no promises about telling them stories of their mom and dad from in the glade. Even the embarrassing stories." Minho says as he puts an arm around Newt.

"We haven't even thought that far Minho ya slinthead!" Alexis says as she blushes and smiles.

"Somebody has too." Minho says as he smirks before he takes off running with Alexis right on his heels while Jeff and Frypan are laughing.


"We have come a long way together. So many have scarified to make this place possible. Your friends, your family. So here's to the ones who couldn't be here. Here's to the friends we lost. This place is for you. It's for all of us. But this. This is for them. So in your own time in your own way come make your peace and welcome to the safe heaven!" Vince shouts as he gestures to a large stone on the sand before everyone begins celebrating.

"This is gonna be a good home for us." Minho says as he is sitting with Thomas, Newt, and Alexis.

"A place for everyone to begin anew." Alexis says as she is laying her head on Newt's shoulder watching the others celebrate around the fire.

"Yeah." Thomas says.

"Guys there's something I wanted to give you all." Alexis says as the boys look at her.

"Give us something?" Thomas asks.

"Mhm. Remember how I used to sketch the glade and the gladers a lot? Well take a look at something I finished about a week after Minho was taken. I wanted to surprise you guys with it after we got Minho out." Alexis say as she shows a well made drawing of everyone from the glade standing in front of the homestead before giving it to Thomas.

"You did this? I knew you had talent but wow. This is really good." Thomas says as he, Minho, and Newt look at the drawing.

"Thanks. I have my own ways of remembering everyone regardless of whether they could be a pain in the ass at times. But I was going to start something my aunt used to do with me. Planting a flower for everyone we lost. Do that each year. I wanted to see if you guys wanted to help?" Alexis asks.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Thomas says as Minho and Newt nod.

"Alexis I'm gonna head to bed. Want to go with me?" Newt says as he stands up.

"You feeling okay Newt?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah just a little tired still from everything." Newt says as Alexis nods and follows him to their tent.

"Why did you really want me to come with you Newt? You can't be tired already?" Alexis asks as she looks at Newt.

"Can't get anything past you anymore. You're right. I'm not tired but I still wanted to make it up to you for treating you like a child when I should of been treating you like a women. I'm a idiot for doing that." Newt says.

"And how do you plan to make it up to me oh second in command?" Alexis asks as she smiles while Newt goes closer to her.

"Like this for one." Newt says as he kisses Alexis on the lips while she wraps her arms around his neck.

*8 Years Timeskip*

"Come on mom, dad! Let's go!" A little girl shouts as Alexis and Newt come out of the house.

"Remind me again how are six year old daughter Kate talked us into taking them to explore the island with us?" Alexis asks seeing their daughter seeing how much she looks like her while their son Alby looks like Newt and their son Winston looks like them both.

"Same way our four year old son Alby and three year old son Winston talked Frypan, Jeff, Gally, Minho, and Thomas into going with us. She took after me while our sons took after you. It'll be like old times with the group. Hanging out together." Newt says.

"Yeah. Only this time we're free." Alexis says.

"Yeah and that's how it'll stay." Bewt says happily as their kids come over.

"Mom, dad uncle Minho told us we were named after people you knew. Why did you name us after them?" Alby asks.

"Well son the person I named you after the most kind, patient, strong, and hard working man I knew. He was one of my best friends." Newt says as he looks at Alby.

"And Winston, Kate I named you after the most kind, stubborn, loyal, and bravest man I knew and the most kindest, sweetest, and most selfless women I ever knew. We just thought the names could be a fitting way to say thank you for what you've done for us. You kids would of liked them. Because of them we are here now. We have you three wonderful kids. None of this would of been possible without those before us." Alexis says as she looks at Winston and Kate.

"Hey slow pokes we're ready to go!" Frypan shouts as he and the others pull up in a large jeep.

"Hey kids. You guys get your mom and dad ready?" Minho asks as he steps out of the jeep and picks up Kate smiling.

"I think we've done good for ourselves. Don't you think Newt?" Alexis asks happily as she sees the kids laughing and smiling with the others.

"Yeah. The others would be proud if they were here." Newt says.

"Yeah they would be." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Hey you two hurry up or we'll go exploring without you." Gally says.

"Yeah we wanna be back before nightfall." Jeff says.

"Well love you heard him. Let's go." Newt says as he looks at Alexis smiling.

"Okay we hear you. We're coming." Alexis says as she and Newt get head towards the jeep and get in before driving off with the others.

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