Leaving The Glade

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"Looks like he's finally coming to." Alexis says seeing Thomas open his eyes while Teresa is holding his head on her lap in the pit.

"Hey are you okay?" Teresa asks.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Chuck asks angrily as Thomas sits up seeing Alexis, Newt, Minho, and Chuck were on the outside of the pit while he and Teresa were inside it.

"What happened?" Thomas asks.

"Gally's taken control." Alexis says.

"Said we had a choice. Either join him or get banished at sundown with you." Newt says.

"The others agreed to that?" Thomas asks as he sits up.

"Well Thomas he didn't give us much of a choice and it's hard to reason with someone who's given in to fear. They'll do and say whatever they think they have to if it will ensure their survival." Alexis says.

"Gally has everyone convinced that you're the reason all this has happened." Teresa says.

"Well he's been right so far." Thomas says as the others look at him confused.

"What are you talking about?" Minho asks confusedly.

"This place.. It's not what we thought it was. It's not a prison it's a test. It all started when we were kids. Even with Alexis. With us they gave challenges and with her they watched her life and how she survived even though her survival at the young age she became an orphan was very slim. They were experimenting on us. And then people started disappearing. Every month one after the other like clockwork. They had actually intended to capture Alexis's entire pack but saw more potential in just her and just took her instead and then she disappeared too." Thomas says.

"Sending them up into the maze." Newt says.

"Yeah but not all of us." Thomas says as he looks up at Newt.

"What do you mean?" Newt asks.

"Guys I'm one of them. The people who put you here. I worked with them. I watched you guys for years. The entire time you've been here I was on the other side of it. So were you." Thomas says as he looks at Teresa.

"What?" Teresa asks in shock.

"Teresa we did this to them." Thomas says sadly.

"No.. That can't be true." Teresa says as she shakes her head.

"It is. I saw it." Thomas says.

"Why would they send us up if we were with them?" Teresa asks.

"It doesn't matter." Thomas says.

"He's right. It doesn't matter. Any of it. Cause the people and lives we had before the maze they don't even exist anymore. These creators took care of that. But what does matter is who we are now and what we do right now. You went into the maze and found a way out." Newt says.

"Yeah but if I hadn't then Alby would still be alive." Thomas says.

"Maybe... but I know that if he were here he would be telling you the exact same thing. Pick your ass up and finish what you started. Because if we do nothing than that means Alby died for nothing and I can't have that." Newt says.

"Okay. But we gotta get through Gally first." Thomas says.


"Alright Chuck this everything. Now we just wait here." Alexis says as she finishes gathering supplies with Chuck to leave while they wait out of sight but nearby and watch the others at by the doors.

"What's with the tied water bottles around your waist?" Chuck asks as he notices Alexis has six water bottles tied around her waist.

"Just an extra weapon." Alexis says.

"Don't know how those will be useful but if you think it's a good idea then I say good luck with them." Chuck says.

"Oh trust me I know what I'm doing. Okay come on. That's our cue." Alexis says seeing some of the others free Teresa and Thomas as Alexis and Chuck go running over to the others as Minho points a machete at Gally.

"You're full of surprises aren't you?" Gally asks as he sees some of the others gathering beside Thomas.

"You don't have to go with us but we are leaving. And anyone else who wants to go this is your last chance." Thomas says as he points a spear at Gally.

"Don't listen to him. He's just trying to scare you." Gally says as he looks back at the others behind him.

"No I'm not trying to scare you. You're already scared alright. I'm scared. But I'd rather risk my life out there than spending the rest of it in here. We don't belong here. This place isn't our home. We were put here okay. We were trapped here. At least out there we have a choice. We can make it out of here. I know that. Gally it's over. Just come with us." Thomas says as Jeff, Winston, and some other gladers come over to stand with him.

"Good luck against the grievers." Gally says as Thomas and those leaving with him leave.


"This way! Keep it up guys we're almost there." Thomas says before the group come to a stop as Thomas looks around the corner.

"Is there a griever?" Chuck asks as Thomas looks at him.

"Yeah." Thomas says.

"You take this Chuck. Stay behind us." Minho says as he hands Chuck the device they found.

"It's okay. You stick with me." Teresa says as Chuck looks at her.

"Once we're through it'll activate and a door will open. We stay close. We stick together. We get through this. We get out now or we die trying. Ready? Alright. Let's go!" Thomas shouts as the group go running around the corner and begin to fight with a griever losing a glader and nearly losing the device in doing so before more grievers begin to show up. The group then begin to back up as a door opens while attempting to keep the grievers at bay.

"Thomas there's a code! Eight numbers!" Teresa shouts as she and Chuck try to get the door open while the others are holding off the grievers.

"Eight sections to the maze. Hey Minho! What's the sequence!?" Thomas shouts as Minho looks at him.

"What!?" Minho shouts.

"The sequence to the maze! What's the sequence!?" Thomas shouts as the group continue to fight off the grievers.

"7, 1, 5, 2, uh 6!" Minho shouts.

"Minho!" Chuck shouts as a griever then lands on top of Minho. Jeff then attacks the griever managing to get it off Minho before it then pins him. Alexis sees this and uses the water in the bottles to stab the griever through numerous times with ice before pulling Jeff away from it with some vines before it has a chance to sting or attack him. As the group backs up Alexis then begins using the ice and vines to keep the grievers at a small distance from the group as they back up to where Teresa and Chuck are.

"Minho hurry up and give her the rest of the code! I'm not sure how long I can keep them back!" Alexis shouts as Minho looks at her.

"6, 4, 8, 3!" Minho shouts as the code is correct before the doors begin to close in front of them crushing the grievers while the door behind them opens up.

"Okay that was a little close for comfort." Alexis says as she lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in.

"I'm glad you came with us. I'd be dead right now if I weren't for you." Jeff says as Alexis looks at him.

"You're welcome. Besides gotta protect my pack. Where are we anyhow?" Alexis asks as the group find themselves in a tunnel as the lights come on.

"Well let's find out. Come on." Thomas says as the group begin to walk.

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