Chapter 13

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"So, what do you think?"

I was being helped out of the car when Leviathan asked that question, but I had already seen the villa on the way up the driveway.

It was set up on a hill and faced southwest with trimmed pine trees lining the paved driveway up to the top. There were beautiful flowers and green plants potted around the roundabout driveway, even some on the sides of the stone stairs. There was a parking lot set below the villa and off to the side, so there was an uninterrupted view of the surrounding area.

The villa itself was multi-level and very modern in style with a slightly angled metal roof, glass barriers, and even an indoor pool area that was separate from the main building. The stairs were at the side and I could see there was an enormous basement area where numerous people were already located. It almost looked like a ballroom set into the ground. It seemed pretty secure, so I guess it's a good place to hold a mafia-type leader's birthday banquet.

"It's huge," I finally replied.

Loki chuckled. "Yes, it is, kitten. This villa is used as a place to host various events since it has a great view and it's on a good plot of land, so no need to worry about flooding or snow staying forever due to its positioning."

"That's a nice thing, I'm sure."

Leviathan eyed me with a small smirk. "Not very impressed, are you?"

I chuckled. "It is a nice place with a great view, but I care more about you two and the people we're meeting today."

The twins grabbed my waist and kissed my cheeks, so the valet guy was a bit red in the face as my boyfriends started escorting me up the stairs. It was nice to be able to wear regular shoes underneath because my feet would have been screaming had I worn high heels from all the steps. I know I'm fit, but it takes a different kind of strength to hike yourself up more than fifteen steps in high heels.

"Invitations, please."

I glanced up just in time to see the guard's eyes widen as the Masters twins' faces became clear. He apologized, but he stopped me from entering with a face full of regret when Loki looked at him with a murderous expression.

"Hey, relax. It's his job to ensure the right people come in." I stated calmly, patting their arms.

The guard looked like he was pitying me for speaking to the twins like that, but his eyes widened even more when my boyfriends begrudgingly agreed.

"Here," growled Leviathan, practically shoving his invitation into the guard's face. "Our plus one."

The man blinked rapidly, then allowed me through with the most confused expression I had ever seen. I grabbed hold of the twins' arms and grinned at them, so they relaxed slightly and held me closer in the grand foyer. An older gentleman in a suit approached my boyfriends and they dipped their heads in response to his polite welcome. The older man's eyes moved over to me, but he seemed friendly enough as he gestured for two more guards to open the solid wood double doors at the end of the foyer.

Lo and behold, I was greeted with more steps. I would have died in heels. But Loki held my left hand while I grasped a fistful of my dress so I wouldn't trip on the way down. The noise of friendly chatter, clinking glasses, and soft classical music quieted as Leviathan faced the crowd on the way downstairs. I was still trying not to trip, but Loki kept a firm hold on me.

"Thank you, Daddy." I whispered to him, so his sudden smile blew me away as he brought me down to the large marble tiles of the basement floor.

Leviathan had me grasp his left bicep while Loki held my hand. The invitees had eyes that held envy, confusion, and or curiosity. I did my best to ignore the intense gazes, but I was starting to get a little nervous and the twins immediately noticed. They moved closer against the far left wall and paused in their strides to lean down. Leviathan held my face to his chest, then Loki did the same. After receiving a couple kisses to my head, I was much more calm.

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