Chapter 1- Skywalker

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Note that R2-D2 and BB-8 speak in droid beeps to the other characters but I wrote down their whole dialogues  and Chewbacca's dialogues are in brackets for a better reading experience

Pov:- Rey
Looking out to the stars from the Falcon has made me realize how beautiful the galaxy is, all my life I have been confined to the dunes of Jakku. I am now living my life now which is way more exciting...

Han and Chewie are piloting the ship while me and Finn are sitting near the chess table. We have only three goals, convincing Skywalker to fight for the Resistance, training me to be a Jedi, and helping in reviving R2 back...

"Alright everyone we are arriving at Ahch-To"

Finn looks at me "You ready for this Rey?"

I nod my head in response, we walk toward the cockpit and sit behind the pilots. I could not help but notice that Han is the most nervous of all of us. He is breathing heavily and holding the ship controls tightly...

I move closer behind him and ask "Are you okay?"

Han gets startled and looks at me with a smirk "Oh it's nothing kid, just nervous that I am seeing my best friend after a very long time"

(Even I feel the same)

BB-8 beeps as he asks me if Master Skywalker will help us or not

"Yes BB-8... I know he will surely help us. He is a Jedi after all"

"Listen here, kid..." Han turns towards me "It will be tough to convince him, there is a reason why he came to the most unfindable place in the galaxy"

This does not make any sense "How come a Jedi like him go in hiding like that? Also why would he leave a map if he did not want to be found?"

"That's a question even I want an answer for" He turns back "Prepare for landing" As Han said, we enter the atmosphere of Ahch-To, there is nothing much around here except an Island, where we land.

The Falcon slowly lands on the island and Finn chuckles "This has to be the most boring place to exile yourself" Han looks at him and he is not amused, Finn's smile immediately turns down "Uh sorry about that"

Han and Chewie get off from the cockpit making their way out of the ship, I look at Finn with a smile "You thought this was the best time to joke?"

"I was trying to lighten the mood"

"Come on let's go" We both get up from our seats and move out from the Falcon, but Finn is right this is the kind of place where a person would only come to die...

or maybe that was the main reason why he came here

all of us were looking around the place, I started to move around the place to find anyone who knows where I can find Skywalker on this island. I kept walking but can not find anyone until I thought to go to a hilltop to gain a vantage point where I can look at the entire island...

I start to moving towards the highest hill I could see, The pathway towards the hill is built as stairs and the people who live here live in stone huts but as I was advancing towards the hill...

I felt the presence of someone

With each step I took that feeling kept on increasing, felt like I was moving towards something powerful, something greater. Is the force guiding me toward him? I keep walking toward the top of the hill and that's when I see a man wearing a brown robe looking into the horizon

This is it! that must be him. I nervously walk towards him and I take out the lightsaber to give it to him, I extend my hand holding the lightsaber and wait for him to respond cause I know that he feels my presence. He turns toward me and lifts his hands to pull his hood down, that's when for the first time I see...

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