Chapter 2 - Before The Downfall

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Here onwards we will be going back and forth from the present day and the past events which haunts Skywalker family... Now Han is narrating an event to Rey and Finn which happens before the downfall, these events pick up right after the Ahsoka series (Some changes in the finale episode by me to fit my story)

Four years after the battle of Yavin and after the Galactic Empire fell... In 5ABY me and Leia got married and we had a child who Leia named after Ben Kenobi who you may better know him as Obi-Wan Kenobi. But this story does not start here, it begins in 10 ABY Tatooine

 But this story does not start here, it begins in 10 ABY Tatooine

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It seems everything has to begin from this planet right... my wife's father was born here and her brother raised here, but this time we just came here for a visit. We used to live in a palace in Naboo which seems to be her mothers but Leia really wanted to see how her father's home planet looked like properly this time cause the last time we were here... I was frozen and she was a slave for Jabba the Hutt

We were really hoping no slug like him runs this place anymore

I came here with Leia and Ben who was 5 years old at that time and a few New Republic soldiers led by Commander Rex... The man has been fighting since the clone wars but he still got it, we were roaming in the Mos Espas marketplace and Ben was feeling thirsty

"Let's go to the Cantina and get you some blue milk" Ben got excited as he heard his mother

We started making our way to the cantina but our footsteps stopped as we hear a huge roar and got everyone's attention in the market, I turned my head slowly to Leia as she did the same
"I have a bad feeling about this"

We turned around as we see a Rancor with a chain rein tied on its nose ring but no one on top of it... It had gone loose


"Roger Senator Organa... ALRIGHT BOYS LET'S GO!" He and his men spread out in different directions guiding the civilian's

I looked at Leia while I unholster my blaster "Leia... Take Ben and get to safety"

"Hey don't go and try to be a hero" I ignored her and ran towards the Rancor who was wreaking havoc, I turned my head back to look once at her as she was escorting Ben to safety. I look down to my belt to check what I have

Two thermal detonators... not much but can work I was here for a visit after all. I aimed my blaster to the beast and fired a few shots to get it's attention, as it turned to me it gave out a huge roar... I immediately activate the detonators and throw both of them in its mouth. They exploded as soon as they entered it's mouth, I thought this would be over but I was so wrong.

The Rancor looked unharmed and gave out one huge roar before it charged towards me, and before I could take a step back it slammed it's hand on me sending me flying away back for a good amount of time which resulted in my back slamming to the ground brutally

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