Chapter 5 - Friend or Foe?

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Narrator:- Luke Skywalker

Under the hood of my Jedi robe I look at the crowded street of Daiyu, behind me Han was walking along... Leia and Chewie were in the Falcon flying above watching the skies and Rex and his troopers were stationed on the rooftops

All of us were connected to one transmission channel for communication... Our eyes were only seeking for those troopers working for Thrawn.

"You sense something Luke?" Han asks while walking behind me

"Sense what?" I ask back

"You know sense the troopers with the force" Hearing him made me chuckle

"Han that is not how the force works" I laugh it off but just then I stopped my steps and close my eyes as I sensed the presence of someone

"What's wrong?" Han asks

"I sense someone... Seems to be very strong with the force"

"Is it a Jedi you sense?" He asks

"No... Whoever it is for sure strong with the dark side, but not seeming as a threat" Usually the one strong with the dark side have me on full alert but weirdly not now

"Luke I think I see something" He point to my left to an alleyway and I see faint silhouettes of stormtroopers

"Han let's go" I then take my transmitter out "Rex now on my location"

"Roger that... I am keeping an eye on you two and we will fire on your command" We then proceeded our way to the alley... We kept walking continuously and relentlessly, we both were curious to see where this leads to

We then had walked into a dark hall which looks suspicious, Han took out his blaster while I took out my saber

"Halt!" We heard a voice which sounded like that of a trooper "Surrender yourselves or prepare to die" The room illuminated with light and we saw those trooper holding their blasters to us and they surrounded us in circles. Han get behind me as we have our backs to each other

We both acted as if we were surrendering... I had put my hands up and started kneeling down while Han was doing the same and keeping his blaster down

But we knew what we were doing, he activated the rapid fire mode and threw his blaster up in the air... before the Night Troopers could react both of us ducked and I started shooting with it while spinning the blaster in the air with the force

This move alone took care of a few troopers, some were shot down while some of their blaster was shot and destroyed... I released the blaster from the force and Han catches it, the other troopers were about to shoot but just then Rex and his men dropped in

I ignited my lightsaber and began deflecting the blaster shots that were being fired at me and also taking down at the Night Troopers who were charging at me

"You could have dropped in as soon as they showed up" Han exclaimed to Rex while shooting

"I knew Master Skywalker would do something so I waited for my entrance" He said while fighting with his dual blasters

We kept on fighting the Night Trooper but they came off to be more of a challenge as compared to regular troopers... I knew this was taking to long so kept my saber down, extended both my hands and used the force to disarm all the troopers at the same time by pulling their weapons away from them

"You just made things easier for us sir" Rex chuckled under his helmet "Boys let's make this quick" Our men started to make quick work of them while me and Han spectated

"This wrapped up quickly" Han sighed

"But I have the feeling that this still is not over-" I then immediately got interrupted by Han who almost got shot on his shoulder... I turned back to see that there were a few incoming Night Troopers

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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