Chapter 1~ Deciding who to adopt & sazing you

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Louis' POV

As soon as Simon said yes I was so excited I jumped out of my seat and did a happy dance!

Liam'a POV

YAY I'm soooo happy Simon said yes now this will be the hard part deciding on a boy or a girl and what age

Niall'a POV

IM SOOOOO HAPPY UNCLE SIMON SAID YES!!!! I really want a girl to be honest.

Harry's POV

I'm so excited to adopt a child. I want a boy but if we end up getting a girl I will be happy either way.

Zayn's POV

Yay! I'm happy to adopt a child but I will wonder how the fans will react to this?

Liam's POV

After we all finished doing our little happy dances we all sat back down to discuss what kind of child to get and around what age.

Harry starts to say "Honestly I want a boy but I will be happy with either one around the age of 12 or 13."

Louis says "I definitely want a girl and around the same age as Harry"

Niall says "I really want a girl and around the same age as Harry and Lou said."

Zayn says "I want a boy but I wouldn't mind a girl either and around the age Harry Lou and Niall said."

I said "I definitely want a girl and I guess around the same age as all of you guys said."

So after that was taken care of we all decided on a girl around the age of 12. We all said our good byes to Uncle Simon and headed back out to the van. We went to the nearest orphanage which was "Mrs. Cathy's Orphanage" I do say so myself that place looks like shit. And I never cuss.

We all walked up to the front door and knocked. A girl around her 40's answered and greeted us with a very nice "hello". As we entered she asked what kind of child we wanted and what age. She calls down all the girls around the age of 12.

Hailey's POV

OH MY FUCKING GOD ONE FUCKING DIRECTION IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I think to myself. All the other girls come down the stairs and start squealing unlike me who keeps a straight face acting as if I don't care.

Liam announces "Hi I'm Liam Payne and these are my band mates Harry Styles Louis Tomilnson Zayn Malik and Niall Horan and we're One Direction!" After that all the girls give me death glares and I run out of the room put and into mine and put on my spandex shorts and run outside. I start crying but quickly wipe away the tears.

Tumbling is the only way other than singing i can get things off of my mind. I start out with just a simple back handspring. Then I do a running one bad then back tuck and finish it off with a split. Suddenly I hear clapping and I see all of One Direction there and Mrs. Cathy.

Harry comes up to me and asks "sweet heart why did you run out of here?" I reply "I'm not liked here all if those girls kept giving me death glares because they want you to adopt them instead of me. No one likes me. Im hated everywhere i go." And with that I start break down crying. Someone comes to pick me up but I flinch away. Awww man now I feel bad.

About a minute later I stop crying and apologize for my crying and flinching. Zayn asks "what's your name?" I reply "Hailey"

Harry asks "do you like cats?" "Yes"

Niall asks "do you like food" "yes but I don't eat it" he frowns

Louis asks "do you like carrots?" "No they make my throat swell up it gets really itchy and it gets a little hard to breathe" he also frowns

They all share a few glances and then Liam asks "Hailey, Do you want to come home with us?"

I screamed "Of course I do I have been in this hell hole for 6 fucking years of course I do!!!"

After I said that they all chuckled

I went back into the orphanage and was stopped by about 5 girls. They all start punching me and kicking me and calling me a slut or I should just go die in a hole.

After they're done I try to get up but I can't. I yell "LIAM HARRY LOUIS NIALL ZAYN!!!! HEEEELLPPPP MEEEE!!!!" After I yelled all i could hear was Hailey whats wrong? What happened? Are you ok? And then everything goes black.

Harry's POV

As we are talking to Mrs. Cathy in her office we hear "LIAM HARRY LOUIS NIALL ZAYN! HELP MEEEE!!!" We all rush out of her office only to find Hailey's skinny body laying on the ground.

We all start saying Hailey stay with us or Hailey whats wrong?

Them her eyes close.

We call Mrs. Cathy over and turns out she is a nurse. She starts to inspect her body and then she says "She got beat up again and it caused her to black out. I've for go and get ice to put on her head and then some pain relievers for her. You boys watch her okay?"

We all mutter a quick yes.


Hey guys so give me any ideas you have!





Sincerely yours

HAILEY! *\0/*

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