Chapter 2~Welcome to the Family!

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Hailey's POV

Ughhhh my head is pounding! Why can't I open my eyes?what happened? Those two questions keep repeating in my head. With all my strength I open my eyes to see six other eyes staring straight at me! I yell "WHAT THE FUCK"

As I shoot right up I fall right back down. I say "ughhhh my head is pounding! I need some pain relievers!"

I hear a few chuckles behind me to see the girls that beat me up. I give them a death glare and say "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM! WHY DO YOU HATE ME? WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU!?! They just smirk at me knowing they finally got me to crack. I'm so done with this. I storm up the stairs grab my things and meet the boys downstairs. Once I see them I grab them and shove them out the door.

I scream at the orphanage where mrs. Cathy and the rest of the kids watch me leave "SEE YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!!" Then I flip them the bird when I walk away into the limousine.

Louis POV

Hailey has been out for about a half hour now. The lads and I are talking to Mrs. Cathy about Hailey's past. It's really sad knowing that she had to go through all of that. She was so young and still is. I'm speechless about what those people have done to her.

That wants to make me hold her in my arms even more and comfort her and tell her everything will be alright.

Mrs. Cathy asks "Who will be her legal guardian?" I quickly respond "I will because I'm the oldest." The boys all nod their heads approvingly. I think inside YAY im a dad!!!

All of a sudden Hailey storms into the room and grabs all of us. She drags us outside and into the limo but before she leaves she shouts something I can't understand. Soon enough Hailey is in the car and sound asleep on my shoulder.

Soon enough we are at our hotel we are staying at in New Jersey. I decide not to wake Hailey up so I just pick her up bridal style. Damn this girl weighs nothing!! Well she is an athlete.

Hailey's POV

I feel like I'm being carried. Oh well i'll just pretend to be asleep. I hear a million screams and suddenly I jump out of those persons arms and bolt the other wat. I can hear my name being called in the distance but I ignore it. I think I've ran far enough. When I turn around I see all of the boys running towards me. I chuckle to see how they are all out of breath.

Liam says "Hailey what the bloody hell was that for?" "We'll I'm sorry daddy direction in not used to being woken up by thousands of plastic fake girls screaming Harry give me some of your gravy or Liam I love you will you marry me? Okay I'm sorry I freaked's because of my past. I say shyly.

Liam comes up to me and brings me into a bone crushing hug! Soon enough all of the boys join in. Harry shouts "HAILEY WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!" I say "Thank you guys so much for adopting me. If you guys didn't i probably would starve to death because I deserve to die."

Niall asks "Hailey do you have an eating disorder?" "Yes guys i am anorexic people thought i was fat so I stopped eating and worked out a lot."

Zayn asks "When was the last time you ate?" "About four or five days ago"I whisper. I look up to see everyone's face filled with so many mixed emotions. Louis throws me over his shoulder and runs back to the hotel. As we get there he bolts into the kitchen and orders me FIVE bowls of Mac "n" cheese!

I say to Louis "Look Louis you know I can't eat all of this, if I eat I will throw up. He replies with "Just eat as much as you can. Ok? I give in and say "ok".

A few minutes later I finished all FIVE bowls of Mac "n" cheese. I'm so full but I won't throw up. I look up and see all of the boys staring at me wide eyed. They say "How could you eat all of that if you are anorexic?"

"Okay guys the truth is I haven't eaten in almost two weeks." All of their mouthed drop wide opened. I knew that was going to happen.

Liam's POV

We're all sitting in the lobby of the hotel staring into space. "Okay Hailey who do you want to stay with tonight?" She says "I think I will stay With Louis. Ok?" "Sure"

Harry says "Hailey you have to meet our girlfriends soon!" She immeatedly looks nervous. Niall says "Hailey calm down. You'll be fine. They'll love you!" After that she calms down.

Little while later Hailey gets up and says "Can you guys come and watch me do my gymnastics. We all respond with a sure and yeah.

Hailey's POV

They really don't know how skilled I am at gymnastics. We go outside and I start off with a standing back handspring. Then I do a running round off back handspring tuck. For my last trick I do a running round off back handspring full. When I finish their jaws hit the floor. I giggle at them and say "Close your mouths you don't want to catch any flies!"

And with that I walk back into the hotel .


Hey readers you guys know what to do.

Pretty please with rainbow sprinkles and cherries on top tell ALL your friends!!!!




Sincerely yours

Hailey!! *\0/*

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