Chapter Seven: Perfect Parker

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This chapter contains: kissing, infrequent strong language

Peter had been living with you for a few days now. He was friendly towards you, and always helped you out when and where he could.

Y/N's POV:

I don't like him.

But he's cute.

I don't like him. He's Spider-Man. I'm a villain.
It's not meant to be.

But he's so hot.

These thoughts replayed through my head constantly.

I like Peter.

But I can't like Peter.

He's Spider-Man.

"Are you okay Y/N.?"

Peter had a worried look on his face...

"You're just kinda staring into your cereal. Are you alright?"

He's worried. About me. Cute.

Me and Peter are just sitting at his table, eating breakfast.

Guess I got lost in thought for a moment.

"I'm fine."

I said, quieter than I meant it to be.

"You sure.?"

Peter asked, shuffling slightly closer to me in his seat.

"Peter, I said I'm fine."

I snapped back.

He looked at me, a worried expression still residing on his face.. cute.

No, I don't like him.

Or maybe I do.

"Okay... sorry."

Peter said quietly, looking away.

He's really nice to me, even if I'm a villain...

I immediately felt bad for snapping at him. Guilty, even.

"Don't apologise. I shouldn't have used that tone on you. You were just trying to make sure I was okay. And I appreciate that."

I say, screaming internally.

He looked so happy that I hadn't meant it, even if he was trying to hide it.

Wait. I can read his mind.

Why am I so dumb.?

I can just see what he's thinking.!

Peter's POV:

Thank goodness she didn't mean it.

I should say something.


But what do I say.?

"Okay... sorry.."


She just told me not to apologise!!

"Don't apologise. It's okay."

Y/N sounded slightly annoyed when she said this.. or am I just imagining it?

I don't know anymore.


Why did I apologise again?!

Y/N sighed.

"You really don't need to apologise. I mean it."

I opened my mouth to speak, but she put a soft, warm hand over my mouth...

"And don't you dare say sorry."

She took her hand off my mouth, and I closed my mouth again as an awkward silence filled the room.

I want to tell her how I feel.


But how.?

She probably just hates me.

I mean, we're supposed to be enemies.

But I don't want that.

And I think we're already into friendship territory, so why not.?

But I don't want to ruin what we already have...

What if Y/N rejects me?

And then she doesn't even want to be my friend..?

She probably wouldn't.

She probably hates me anyway.

But is it worth trying.?

Y/N's POV:

What the hell do I do.?!

How do I tell him I can read his thoughts?!

How do I tell Peter I like him back.?

There's no way I'd be able to tell him.


Do I even like him?

I mean, his hair is cute...

And his deep, dark eyes..

And his sweet, sweet smile...

That optimistic and energetic personality..


I do like him.

But how do I even begin to tell him??

What if I just..?

"Peter. I have something to say."

I said, quietly.


He said, perking up a little..

God, he looks adorable when he's focused.

"I can read people's thoughts. And I know what you were thinking about earlier..."

His eyes widened in surprise. When he spoke, his voice sounded nervous...

"Oh.! I'm so sorry! You probably think I'm weird, and you just hate me now. I won't blame you if you don't wanna be friends anymore..."

I tried to comfort him, getting a little closer..


"I-I get it! I'm just a weird nerd, who likes an amazing person that's way out of his league."

I shuffled a little closer...


"I know.! I'm not your type and-"

I kissed him, silencing him and his overflowing worries.

It was just a peck on the lips. But it was loving.

He'd obviously wanted this for a while.

After a while of sweet little kisses, he pulled back.

"My god, you're an amazing kisser..."

Peter said, breathlessly.

"As are you."

I said back, panting for air.

"This might sound weird, but you taste nice.."

Peter said quietly.

"Like Froot Loops."

I giggled a little..

"No shit Sherlock. I just ate some Peter."

This might be the best day of my life so far.

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