Chapter Nine: Cute Confessions

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This chapter contains: kissing, snuggles

Peter had just come out the bathroom again, now in his pyjamas.

Spider-Man pyjamas.
How creative.

He still had a bad headache, since he had been knocked about a bit during his battle as Spider-Man today...

You hated seeing him hurt.

You both got cuddled up in your bed, you were reading a book silently, while he was just holding you close.

Peter's POV:

I love her.
So damn much.

I'm glad she loves me enough to care for me like this.

I'm lucky.

The luckiest guy on planet Earth.

Maybe even the entire universe.

Now I just have to make it completely official.

I mean, she's kissed me before, but we've never really discussed anything like that.

What if she's just pretending.?

What if she still sees me as her arch-nemesis?

What if she's just learning my weaknesses, just to leave me in the dust when she's got enough against me..?


I can't think like that.

She wouldn't do that.

The Y/N I know wouldn't do that.

And anyway, if she hated me still, would she have just fallen asleep beside me?

Probably not.

Wait, she just fell asleep.

And she dropped her book.

I carefully reached over, despite how painful my body is, and I took the book out of her lap, put the bookmark in and then put the book on the windowsill on the other side of me.

That hurt.

But it's worth it for her.

Always worth it for her.


The next morning...

Y/N's POV:

Peter's still asleep.

That's good.

He needs his rest.

Should I ask him.?

I want to be his girlfriend.

So just maybe he wants to be my boyfriend..?

Probably not.

I've done some terrible things to him and the Avengers.

And the fallout comes with being an ex-villian.

What even am I anymore.?

A civilian?

No, I still help out Peter sometimes.

A hero?

I don't deserve that title.

A vigilante?

Maybe. That one fits best.

I should probably get a new name for my vigilante.

And a new suit.

Since I'm not a villain anymore.

Maybe Peter could help me with that.

He's waking up.

His lips just touched my neck.. oh my.

That was probably an accident.

He probably didn't mean it like that.

"G-good morning Peter.."

I said quietly.

"Morning, beautiful..."

He mumbled back, burying his face into my neck.

His lips were still touching my neck.

It probably wasn't an accident then...

"What time is it.?"

Peter asked sleepily, nuzzling his face into my neck...

My phone wasn't next to my bed, and there isn't a working clock in this room.

"I don't know.. I'll go check."

I said quietly, starting to get up, but Peter pulled me back down into bed.

"Don't go.."

He whispered, pulling me as close to him as possible, burying his face into my neck again.

Why is he so clingy today?

"Peter, I can't stay in bed all day-"

He cut me off by gently kissing my neck.. a small peck, but enough to make me speechless...

"Please don't go just yet. Please Y/N..."

He said quietly, practically begging me to stay.


He kissed me again.

"I have a question for you.. I won't let you go until you give me an answer..."

I nodded. I didn't exactly want to leave yet anyway.

"Do you like me.?"

Peter asked quietly...

How was he so oblivious?

"Of course I do Peter. Why would I not?"

His eyes lit up with happiness.

"O-okay.. then would you like to be my girlfriend.?"

He asked, even quieter this time.

Am I ready for that kind of relationship yet.?

I don't know.

We haven't really known eachother for that long either.

We only knew eachother behind the masks before.

And it was only a week ago that we actually saw eachothers faces for the first time.

But I do like him...

Maybe I should give him a chance.?


I said quietly.

He sat up, looking into my eyes...

"Really? Like, you're serious.? You're not pulling a prank or anything..?"

Peter seemed hopeful. But also a bit worried... maybe he thinks I'm lying.?

But why would he think that.?

I love him too much for that.

"Of course I'm serious. Why would I lie about that?"

I asked quietly...

"No reason.. I just worry too much, that's all."

Peter replied in almost a whisper.

So do I. But I won't tell him that.

He gave me a light kiss on the lips, and then just hugged me again, nuzzling his face into the side of my neck.

I could feel his soft, brown, curly hair against my face.. it smelled nice too.

Peter is so cute.

I love him.

I'm sure of it now.

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