Chapter Ten: Sweet Sunset

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This chapter contains: snuggles, slight sexual tension (no explicit smut tho)

Y/N's POV:

I love Peter Parker.

I can say that with confidence now.

I'm completely sure of it.

Even just making eye contact with him gives me butterflies.

The way he whispers in my ear in the morning makes me melt into a puddle.

I love everything about him.

How clingy he is after patrols.
The way he always takes my hand and gives me little kisses out in public.
When he gets so close to me when we're doing literally anything alone.

And the way he's holding me now.

It's summer, and he always gets too warm when he's sleeping, so he just sleeps in his underwear. I just wear a vest top and my underwear.

We're watching Back to the Future. One of Peter's favourite sci-fi movies.

The sun is setting outside. It only just started to make the sky go a beautiful reddish-orange colour a few minutes ago as the sun started to fall over the horizon. There were hints of pink and yellow dotting the clouds too as the light from the sun shone through them.

Peter must have noticed I was staring out of the window as well as watching the movie.

"It's beautiful, isn't it.?"

He asked.

"The sunset."

I nodded...

"Not as beautiful as you, Y/N."

Peter teased flirtily, pulling me slightly closer...

I felt something hard under my butt.

I must be sitting on the remote or something.

I re-adjusted how I was sitting slightly, and I heard Peter's breath hitch slightly.


Whatever it was, it was still underneath me, but I was sitting a bit more comfortably now.

The movie had reached the credits now, so I just started staring out the window, at that stunning sunset.

I'm glad my bedroom has windows on both sides.

I can see the sun rise and set, from the East in the morning and the West in the evening, from the comfort of my own bed.

Then I noticed something.

The TV remote was on the other side of the bed.

So what was I sitting on.?


I shifted myself again, slightly further back into Peter's lap, snuggling in more...

I heard a small gasp from him, that he tried to cover up as a cough.

I think I know what I'm sitting on now.

What if I just read his mind real quick..?

I probably won't be intruding on anything.

Just to check.


To check.

Peter's POV:

Oh my god.

I can't take this much longer.

She's too pretty when she's gazing out the window like that.

And she just moved in my lap...

Oh god...

Y/N's POV:

Okay. I know what I'm sitting on now.

For sure.

It's his... you know..

His.... thing.

Oh my.

Did I do that.?

Or was it just that hot lady in the movie we were watching? What was her name? Jenifer. Yeah.

So, is it the Back to the Future character making him this hard, or was it me.?

Wouldn't hurt to test it.

What if I just..?

I shuffled my ass down into his legs a little bit, and he groaned..

"Y/N... could you get up for a minute.? I really need to go to the bathroom..."

I got off of him, and he practically ran to the bathroom.

I was about to just go pull the curtains closed over one of the windows in my room, when I heard something in the bathroom.

A small groan.

No, not just a groan.


Was he.?

No way. Was he really..?

I'm not reading his mind.

That would be way too intrusive.

I heard a small whimper from the bathroom as I passed the door to close the other curtains over the window facing West.

The window with the startling sunset view.

The sun had almost completely disappeared below the horizon, the sky now a mix of pinks, light blues and deep purples blending with a the rest of the dark night sky.

As I passed the bathroom, I heard a small whisper from the bathroom. But it was clear as day in the silence of my room.


It was Peter.

I knew it was.

I'll just pretend I didn't hear him jerking off and go to bed.


Probably best not to bring it up.

I'll just go to bed.

I lay down in bed, closing my eyes as I began to drift off...

I heard the bathroom door open, and a few seconds later, Peter's arms were around my waist, head buried into the crook of my neck. Clingy as always...

"Goodnight baby.."

He mumbled...

"Goodnight Spidey..."

I whispered back, drifting off into sleep.

Nothing hard was pressed against my ass now.

That proves what it was. Since he has his legs wrapped around me as well as his arms.

I love how clingy he is.

I finally got to sleep, and all I dreamt about was the few small whimpers and groans I heard from the bathroom while Peter was doing his thing...

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