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Spencer's Pov:
We're in Everett's room so Garrett can look at Barons wound. The silver is in the blood now as the bleeding stopped a bit. Garrett sighs, "All right, let's put some clothes on him. We're taking him to the hospital." "What if he wakes up?" I ask, "I came prepared." He says throwing his jacket at Harlan. We see 2 guns, one with regular bullets and one with silver billets. We got clothes on him and ran down the stairs with Baron on his shoulders, "Come on, come one. He's gonna die. Move! Move! Start the car!" Garrett exclaims trying to hurry and get to the hospital. Harlan runs outside to start the car, I go to Blake but Everett is there with her, "You're not coming." Everett said, "Our dad is gonna be here soon to pick us up." "Shit." "What about Ramsey?" Everett asked, "We don't even know if we're right about her. That's a pretty big guess." "I don't want you to go." "I'm sorry." "Imma go with them. Will you be okay with him or do you want me to stay? "You can go Spence, i got it" "Are you sure?" "I'm sure. Just come back before Dad does." "I'll try. I love you, B." "I love you too. Be safe." I smile, "Everett, Spencer. Come on." Me and Everett rush out the door, to the car and head to the hospital.

Garret takes Baron into the ER while we stay in the car. "He's in the ER getting checked out by doctors now." Luna says, "Did Garrett say way to do?" "Don't come in. He said it might take hours and we should just go home." Luna replied. She turns to Everett outside the car, "Everett, come on." Luna says, "I'm not going home. They can't connect us to Baron." "Everett." I say, "Hey!" Luna says but he ran before she could continue. "Shit. Let me out, I'm not leaving him alone." I say, "Come on, Spence." Harlan agreed with me opening the door and letting me out. "Everett can take care of himself." "But he's part of the pack, right?" Harlan said confused. "There is no lack, Harlan." My heart drops, that was pretty harsh. "There never was." Harlan shuts the door and we both walk to the hospital to look for Everett.

No one's Pov:

"No. No, Danny. Hey, Danny, don't open the door!" Blake says, "Hey! Hey, there's my little guy." Dad says. hugging Danny. "Dad." It goes silent as their dad sniffles. "What is this?" "Blake, social services is gonna be looking after you Spencer, and Danny for a while." "Hey, look, they're not giving me a choice." He walks to her, "but since Danny has special needs, they're saying you're not gonna be together. I have to file some kind of appeal." Dad explains, "No. Can they do this?" Blake questioned. "I know it's my fault, I know. I-i know that I'm the real problem here." "No." "I know that." "No. Dad. Wait, please. Dad, this is not your fault. This is my fault. Please, you can't let them do this." Danny starts whining as dad picks him up and out the door. Ramsey steps in front of her, stopping her. "You know, you have really beautiful skin. It wasn't always like that, was it?" Blake just looks away, "No." "Something helped change things for the better. What would you think if we could help Danny... change?" "Danny?" "That's right, Blake. Just like you." She steps closer to her, "What if I don't want him to change?" Blake exclaimed, "I think you do. You can say that you don't want Danny to be any different because it's the right thing to say. It's what your supposed to say. Also, where's Spencer?" She questioned. "Uh... She's with friends right now. She should be back soon."

I'm with Harlan as we stand in the lobby, waiting for Everett. "They're not letting me through. But they said if you need to talk to Garrett, they'll let you by." "No doubt they're probably calling the cops as we speak." I say, "This is getting complicated, I need to talk to my dad. Wait for me." Harlan says, walking off to find his dad. I sigh, walking back and fourth. I sit on the floor next to Everett, he rubs his eyes and i can feel his stress. I wrap my arm around him to comfort him. He leans his head on my shoulder taking in the comfort. We look up to see I think his dad walking up to us. "Is that your dad?" I whisper, he nods in reply now standing up. I stand up next to him, I see two people behind his dad and I raise a brow on what the fuck is happening. "We need to talk about something." "Wait. Wait, wait a second. Dad. You're not really doing this." "You're right. I'm not." His dad said to him nodding his head, "You did this." What? How? "These are the results of your behavior. You need to accept responsibility for that." Everett steps forward a bit, "You want to 5150 me?" "You're a minor. It's 5585. It's a 72 hour hold." Omg, he really thinks he's a danger to himself? I start to pant a bit, worried for Everett. "I'm not a danger to myself." "But you might be to other." "No he isn't? He's the sweetest person alive." I spoke up, "Like who?" Everett questions, starting to get freaked. "You threatened your mother." Everett gets mad but tries not to show it, "Is that what she said?" His dad takes his glasses off, "You came threateningly close to your mother. She swore that you were gonna become physically violent with her." Okay, this is bullshit. That bitch is acting like she doesn't do anything? "I never touched her." "You ripped the car keys from her hands! The arson detective said that you brought a kid in here with a knife in his chest. Everett, for Christ sake, there's blood all over your room." My eyes widen, "Dad, please, please. Don't do this, okay? This is not gonna help." The guys behind his dad come and grab his arms. "Please. Dad, please don't do this!" "No! Stop, don't touch him!" I shout, "You guys don't have proof he did this!" I say again. "Fuck." I whisper as they take him away. I run to find Harlan, he needs to know.

I continue to speed walk around the building trying to find Harlan. I run into him finally, I don't care if I can't be in here. "Harlan!" He turns to me, "Spence, how did you get in here?" "I don't know honestly, but they took Everett. I can't get him out of this, his dad thinks he's a danger to himself." I say out of breath. Before he could say anything, someone runs into his shoulder. I look and see Cody and has a backpack full of something. "Yo." Cody dabs us up, "Hey Cody." I smile slightly. "What're you guys doing here? Weekly STI check?" He says jokingly, Harlan gives him the glare. "I'm just fucking with you." "Is that a bag full of-" "Toys for sick children. Yeah." I nod, chuckling a bit knowing what it actually is. "Where do you think I got the epinephrine?" "You get everything here?" Harlan questioned, he nods. "From my dad. He's still a piece of shit but he hooks me up." "Cody... what's your last name?" Harlan asks him, realizing something suspicious. "Malcolm. You didn't know that?" Me and Harlan look at each other, we both dart in the other direction.

We both walk around the hospital and back to the lobby. He's looking around, but I hear something we never wanted to hear, ever. "Harlan Briggs." He turns as I do as well, seeing what's up. "You're under arrest for the murder of Officer Trent Miller. Turn around and put your hands behind your back." Oh fuck no. "Harlan, run." I grab his hand and we both run like hell. We eventually loose the cops after awhile of running. "This is really bad." I say panting, "I can't fucking believe they are accusing you for his murder." I say, absolutely pissed, "Breath, Spence. Everything's okay, for now." "I can't. I cannot imagine you in jail, and with Cyrus already being held for 'being' the arsonist. Fuck, this is too much." I say, struggling to breath, tears forming in my eyes. "Spence." He sighs, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling my into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and just let it out. I didn't want too but I can't stop it anymore. "Just breathe, luv. If I get arrested, I'll tell them everything they need to know and what he did." I nod, "You're a smart guy, Harlan. I know you'll do anything you can to prove your innocent. I will help you the best I can, I'll always be here to help you. Through thick and thin. You are my home, Harls and I can't imagine life without you." I told him. He smiles, "I love you, Spence. So much, you don't even know. I see a future with you and I want you to be in my life til the day I die." "I love you more." I smile widely, pressing my lips to his. We've done this a few times but the feeling I get will never fade. He makes me the happiest I've ever been, and I'm glad I met him and he's in my life. I will always love him.

A/N: ong sad this is over. i hope you guys liked the twist I made, i appreciate the love and support you guys had for me this entire book. the amount of reads is insane and I can't be more thankful. I love you guys sm<3

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