Chapter 6

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A couple days passed and it was finally time for the girls to head back to the company building. The girls were all excited, and you were happy to take them there.

The van ride was filled with chatter between the girls as you got closer and closer to starship. Parking on the street, you stepped out of the driver seat and pulled the side door open.

As each of the girls stepped out, you quickly ran to the back and grabbed the bags they had packed. Walking to the front door with the girls, you immediately took note of some security guards posted outside.

Finally at the door, the guards stopped you and pointed at a badge reader. The day before, new lanyards with keycards were sent to your homes. Your faces were on the cards as well as your names.

In order or oldest to youngest, the girls began to scan the cards enter the building. With you being the last one, the green light let you know you were all good. Walking into the building, your eyes immediately picked up all the new security camera's and guards.

Despite having them hidden, you noticed the pistol grips around their waist bands. Starship really jumped up the security after the Leeseo incident. Getting to another door, your key card was scanned and scanned and scanned several times until you got up to the 4th floor.

Walking off the elevator, you continued to follow the girls until they made it to a door in the large hallway. Pushing it open, your eyes were blinded by the white walls. With mirrors all around, you recognized your arrival at the dance practice room.

The girls immediately ran to the seats in the corner and placed some of their stuff there. Following their lead, you placed the remaining bags you had on you to the seats and glanced around. As the girls were stretching, you began to walk around and make sure the room was in a good shape for them.

Seeing the ac and such was on, you then took a seat and just went over some emails that were sent to you. A few minutes went by as you finally heard a small commotion at the front door. As the door flew open, a woman came running in with a small being holding her hand.

Leeseo was the first to react as she ran towards the toddler. As the girls all surrounded the baby as they called it, the woman came towards you and bowed.

"H-Hi I'm so sorry I'm late. I'm the girls new choreographer Wi Young-Mi."

"Don't worry about it. Time gets away from all of us. I'm Y/n. GIRLS COME SAY HELLO TO YOUR NEW CHOREOGRAPHER."

The girls attention went back to idol mode as they walked over with the child. With a bow, Ive did their greetings and smiled.

"Wow you are all so pretty. I am Wi Young-Mi and I see you all have met my daugther Miyoung. Sweetie say hi."

With a small bow, the child then spoke.

"Hello. I am Wi Miyoung and I am 5 years old."

The entire room filled with applause as you all fell in love with the little girl.

"I'm so sorry I'm late but I'm honestly not going to be able to teach you all today. I was just told I got the job today and school is closed today so I have no one to look after miyoung."

Covering her Daugther's ears she spoke again.

"To be honest, she can be a bit needy and wants to play constantly. I don't want you all to be distracted by her coming up to play every few minutes. God I'm going to lose this job already."

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