Chap 15

507 40 8

Leeseo Pov

With Y/N and Gauel gone, all of you were plenty nervous about what can happen. Hyesu picked up on this as she called all of your attention on her.

"First of all, Y/n is going to keep his eye on Gauel. Secondly, she's an immortal, remember?"

A small chuckle left Yujin's mouth but not the rest of you. Your leader seemed to pick up on this as she then looked confused.

"What's wrong? She's right. Gauel will just come back if she dies for the first time today."

"It's not the first death I'm worried about unnie. What if she's hit with her weakness?"

"What do you mean weakness Wonyoung?

"Oppa really didn't explain everything last night did he?"

"No he didn't. Do you wanna take this explanation again Liz?"

"Um sure. So Y/n told us we are immortals but each of us actually can still die by one weakness. It's varies from immortal to immortal but yeah, we can still die it exposed to your specific weakness."

Yujin was now fully panicked. As she was about to stand up, Hyesu put her hand on Yujin's Shoulder and sat her down.

"You promised you would stay and listen to me. Where the hell do you think you are going?"


"What reason? The only thing you are going to do is fuck everything up by showing your face. Y/n has this all planed. I can promise you he has the possibility of her weakness being there in mind and has already warned Gauel."


"No but's. If you want to mess it all up and possibly get everyone killed in the process then be my guest."

Yujin looked stumped there. She wasn't sure what to do until you went next to her and rested your head on her shoulder.

"Y/n and Gauel got this. We just need to be patient. Hyesu, any chance you got dessert?"

"Yes we do. I'll have the waiters bring it in."

Calling the waiters, the room was filled by several men and woman who came and cleaned the table up a bit. With the dirty dishes gone, new ones filled the table of various sweets and treats to make anyone hungry again.

The child in you was happy as your fork dug into the piece of chocolate cake in front of you. Small giggles left your members as they all calmed down. Yujin obviously wasn't happy still, but she knew she could just end up doing more harm then good now.

Raising her hand, Rei began to speak.

"Hyesu, thank you for everything but I feel like we need a bit more context on some stuff."

"I figured you guys would have questions. I was wondering who would ask first. Ok, ask away."

All of you were excited by these words. Time to ask some questions. Yujin was the first to speak.

"You said we all have a weakness. Can we ever figure out what our specific one is?"

"Yes you can with the help of an older immortal. The rest of your member's know their weaknesses right?"

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