Chap 10

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After dinner. Everyone quickly went back to their rooms and fell asleep. Well they probably were sleeping as you heard plenty of snoring. Sitting outside, you took a seat in a chair outside and just listened to the countryside noises.

Your attention was quickly taken from the sound of nature as one of the doors opened. From behind the wooden door, a maknea walked out and looked at you. Sweat was apparent on her face as she got closer to you. With a seat empty next to you, your hand patted the chair for Leeseo to take a place next to you.

"Hey kiddo. You should be sleeping. It's nearly 4 am."

"I should say the same about you. You haven't even tried to sleep by the looks of it."

"I'll rest a bit later. Did you have another nightmare?"

Leeseo was silent. The girl didn't seem to want to talk about it but you weren't going to ignore it.

"You're not going to bullshit me Hyunseo. You think I haven't noticed the lack of sleep or the times you jolt up scared. Talk to me."

The young girl was silent until you heard the sound of a few sniffles. Leeseo was crying and jumped on you. Your instincts took over as you hugged the girl who was crying. Some time passed as you just held the girl in your arms. She was precious, and you need to protect her better.

After a bit, Leeseo finally spoke.

"I-I keep remembering being in the ocean. The bullet hit my head but I was still alive. My lungs filled with that water and suffocated me. It was short but it was horrible. Every time I close my eyes and fall asleep, I can feel it happening over and over again. I'm just so tired Oppa."

The poor girl was traumatized by dying. You should have assumed this was happening but you could be so dense at times. Letting go of the hug, you placed Leeseo's head on your shoulder and began to comfort her.

"I'm sorry I'm so stupid. I'm going to help you sleep but to help you, your going to spend your nights around me to sleep."

"H-How will you help?"

"I'm not a pervert sweetie. You will just rest around me and if I see you are having a nightmare, I will help place good thoughts in your head. Ok?"

"H-How can you do that?"

"All has to do with the null void. I basically can help you since our minds get connected there. I promise you will sleep better. I will do all it takes to help you."

The young girl was a bit hesitant so you decided to show her she could trust you.

"We can do it here. Just sleep on my shoulder. There are camera's right there so nothing can happen to you. Ok?"

With a nod, Leeseo continued to lay her head on you shoulder and closed her eyes. After a few minutes a small snore left her mouth as she was finally sleeping. Sitting there, you began to listen out in nature once more until you felt a small jolt from Leeseo. The girl was having the beginning of a nightmare.

Placing your hand on her own, you closed your eyes and entered the null void. Once you were linked with Leeseo, you began to pass some good images in her head. Children wanting to play and small animals as well. As your eyes opened, you saw Leeseo was finally calm.

Hours went by and it was finally 10 am. As a door opened, you saw a panicked Gauel look around and see you. The rest of the doors opened with the girls reacting the same. The girls all seemed relaxed except for Yujin. She got closer and was ready to yell until you signaled her to be quiet.

Their eyes all picked up on Leeseo resting and she looked happy. The girls weren't stupid and noticed she looked tired before but Lesseo would just say she is fine. Yujin's anger quickly dissipated as she saw their maknea finally resting due to your help by the looks of it.

Grabbing Leeseo, you held her in your arms and walked her over to the car. Once in the passenger seat, you closed the door and talked to the girls.

"She hasn't been sleeping so I managed to stay with her and calm her if she had a nightmare. Get yourselves ready and pick up some breakfast from the diner to go. I'll grab my things and wait with Leeseo in the van."

No one argued as you grabbed your backpack quickly and ran back to the van. As Leeseo sat there with her eyes closed, a small smile filled her face. She was finally having a good dream.
After about 30 mins, everyone filled the van and got ready to travel once more.

The rest of the trip went by in a flash as you finally got home in the afternoon. It was a good thing that it was a day off since everyone still seemed tired. Parking the van, you proceeded to bring Leeseo in with the girls behind. The travel to the maknea's room went by as you placed her in her room.

Once you closed the door, you took a glance at girls who seemed happy Leeseo was finally sleeping.

"Today you girls have off. Relax here at home. I'm going to go out and meet up with an old friend. Should you need anything just send me a message."

"Wait, I want to go out tho."

"Out where Yujin?

"Out. I don't need to tell you."

"Yes you do Yujin. Unless you tell me where you are going you aren't allowed, Is that clear?"

"Oh fuck you."

Yujin quickly rushed out your home and slammed the door. Liz at that time stood up and talked to you.

"I'll check on her oppa. Enjoy your free day."

With that all the rest of the girls said their farewells and headed out. Time to go visit an old friend then.

A/n- thank you for reading, sorry for typos and see you next time.

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