S2 chap 22

138 16 3

Anger. That's all the creature in front of you was showing.

"Finley. What happened?"

The creature didn't even hesitate to start charging toward you at speeds you could barely keep up with. With your body feeling weak you didn't have time to react as the creatures arm hit you on the side. Your body barely registered that you were flying in air until your back hit the right wall.

Hitting the ground, you began to breathe heavy as pain radiated from your body. You could feel it. 2 of your ribs were now broken. Bringing up your rifle, you immediately opened fire and shot at Finley. The creature raised its arms and blocked the bullets with them. Despite being in pain you took this chance to continue firing and run towards a pair of desks to have cover.

Finally hidden. You took this chance to look over the gear you had on you. You still had 2 magazines left for your rifle, giving you 60 bullets. Your pistol you only had an extra magazine so 18 bullets there and then you had a large knife. With a creature this big, you knew the ammo you had wasn't enough. Yells began to echo as the giant creature began to walk around the room, looking for you.

What could you do at this point?

You knew the bullets didn't penetrate the skin. You didn't even have time to formulate a plan as the table behind you flipped and Finley tried to grab you. Jumping up, you brought your gun up to his face and opened fire. Just like his arms, the bullets did not penetrate the skin and just angered him.

Your rifle at that time ran out of ammo and you had to move onto your pistol. The bullets continued to hit the creature's face, causing him to cover it so you could run to another spot in the lab.

You couldn't keep this up. You would run out of Ammo soon and it was then hand to hand with the creature. Looking around, you dove behind a large case and took the chance to reload your weapon. You had about 30 rifle bullets left and 9 pistol bullets left. What could you do?

Your answer came from a bottle that fell from the case behind you. It was Nitrocellulose. You didn't have any grenades left but you had gunpowder and that. You could make your own explosive. Grabbing the chemical, you then took out your knife and began to open up the bullets from your handgun. The amount of gunpowder in each bullet wasn't much so you needed to keep opening more bullets. Your little attack on his face managed to buy you time as all of the pistol bullets were used to make your explosive.

When you had enough gunpowder. You proceeded to grab a test tube and throw some in as well as keeping the Nitrocellulose in a bottle. The sound of stomps began to get closer as your things were now ready. The case behind you moved and you took this chance to mix some of the chemicals and leaving some more to the side. Throwing it at the creatures face, the chemicals then mixed and exploded in his face.

You were still near when you threw it so you felt your face begin to burn a bit as you got thrown back. Your ear was burnt but you managed to get thrown back by a hit from the creature. It wasn't as strong so you didn't break anything but did hurt. Pointing your rifle, your finger stood near the trigger as smoke enveloped that area. You weren't sure if you managed to take the creature out. Your hopes were broken as the creature came out of the smoke and charged at you.

Aiming for its eyes, you shot as fast as you could and managed to hit its left eye. The creature roared in anger as blood began to fall from that eye. It was really pissed off and you wasted the rest of your ammo. You had some left over chemicals for another explosive but you needed to get to them. With your knife out, you tried to take a long run around but with how mad the creature was, he wanted to kill you even more.

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