Chap 19

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The sound of pots and pans woke you up. As your head began to spin stir side to side. You immediately noticed a heavy weight on your chest. Looking down, you saw Arin was dead asleep with a smile on her face. Last night was such a great time catching up that you both just went to talk in your room after a while.

With hours of talking, the young woman began to get tired and fell asleep. Deciding to check on Leeseo, you saw she had fallen asleep doing her work, so you picked her up and placed in her bed. With everyone in your home sleeping, you decided to join them in the same action.

Just as you were about to shake Arin awake, your front door slammed open. The young woman in your bed began to jump around as she was startled.


Rei proceeded to run out of your room, covering her eyes. Looking down at the young woman, the two of you stared blankly until you both began to laugh. Standing up, Arin proceeded to stretch and bit and walk to your bathroom.

Walking over, you saw Arin had already grabbed one of the new toothbrushes you had stored and was cleaning her teeth. Doing the same, the two of you finished and then went out to the kitchen.

As soon as the two of you entered, 6 pairs of eyes suddenly met with your own and just stared. A red tint could be found on most girl's faces.

"Good morning ladies. It seems you woke up early today. What's the occasion?"

"Oh I decided to cook breakfast for everyone. This was my apology to you and Gauel."

Gauel nodded her head and began to play with Leeseo's hair. You were glad she wasn't holding a grudge. Finding the last 2 seats, Arin as well as yourself sat down with a plate of food in front of you.


Each of you proceeded to grab a fork and dig into the eggs on the plate. When each of you raised your forks to your mouths, you all immediately took a bite as Leeseo looked at all of you.

Chewing on the eggs, you all began to feel a crunching sensation among your food. There was egg shells in your meal. The other girls began to chew slower and made a small face.

"So how is it?"

All of you turned towards Leeseo and began to smile despite the meal being ruined with the eggshells. You on the other hand, didn't make a weird face and continued to eat the food. You had eaten plenty of bad food in your years, so it wasn't the worst you ever had.

As Leeseo began to clap her hands, her fork finally reached her mouth. Taking the mouthful of food, Leeseo began to chew on the eggs until her face distorted to one of disgust.

"Ewwwww why is it crunchy?"

"Leeseo sweetie. I think you might have cracked the shells wrong and they got into the eggs."

Arin giggled a bit after telling Leeseo that. That proceeded to cause everyone to laugh as hard as they could. After the laughter died down, everyone proceeded to give you a weird look as you continued to eat the eggs.

"Oppa. Why are you still eating my horrible food?"

"I've had worse. Plus I ain't gonna let your apology go to waste."

"Well thank you oppa but I'm not gonna eat this and you guys don't have to either."


You were surprised by yujin's outburst but everyone including leeseo seemed to agree as they threw the bad food away. By the time the girls has put the dishes away, you had already finished the plate and began to do the same.

Walking to the living room, everyone was sitting on the couch as Leeseo continued on her homework.

"Good job Leeseo. I didn't even have to tell you. I hope you are getting a decent amount done but you also need to take breaks, find a balance with your work."

"I figured I would do a bit before we head out to practice. I will balance the two, I promise."

"Good. We should probably head out to starship soon. Go get ready ladies."

As everyone began to stand up, Arin came over and gave you a hug immediately. Each of the girls began to blush as you looked at them. You just remembered that rei walked in and probably told them something she assumed.

"Ladies. Me and Arin talked all night so we fell asleep. Nothing else."

"Oh, ok. S-Sorry to asume what happened."

"It's fine Rei. Ladies. Let's all get ready."

With each of the Ive girls leaving to their homes or rooms. You quickly spoke with Arin."

"Thank you for last night. It was great to catch up."

"Yeah. It really was. I'm sorry I brought up Hana with Leeseo. I just didn't want to see her on the same path."

"It's fine. It's nice to think about Hana."

"I really let her down in the end. Didn't I?"

"No. You may have spoiled her but it was still her own actions that lead to her death. You weren't a bad mother. You loved her with everything you had."

A smile filled Arin's face as she hugged you again. Once the hug ended, the young woman gave you a kiss on the check.

"I will head out. Give the girls my number. Tell them if they need any help, do not hesitate to call me."

"I will Yewon. Same goes from me. You need me just call. I'll send you a text with my number later."

"You know. It's gonna be Jieun's birthday in a month. She invited everyone months ago but I have a feeling you and the girls will get one soon. Can we expect to see you all there?"

"Maybe. I'll see if the girls have time. It would be nice to introduce her to more immortals all at once. I keep saying I will but it's only been a few people I have shown them."

"Well they definitely should come. I'll expect you there oppa. Goodbye."


Arin then walked backwards towards the door and exited while still looking at you. Running to your room, you took this chance to shower and change into clothes. Grabbing your things as well as something for Leeseo, you found all of the girls waiting for you in the living room when you went out. Reaching out to Leeseo, you gave her a small phone.

"I love that you and Gauel made up as well as seeing you do your work. That doesn't mean you are ungrounded. This will be your phone for the next week. You can call and text the people you needed to but that's it. Ok?"

"Yes oppa. I understand."

"Very well. Now your practice is going to ramp up a bit with your comeback being in 2 weeks. I know the work load for each of you will be a lot but I'm sure you can handle it."


"Now let's head out."

Their comeback was soon. All you can hope is that it's safe in the broadcasting stations for the girls.

A/n- comeback season. Will it go well for them?

As always thank you for reading, sorry for typos and see you next time.

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