° chapter six

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i gave my blood, sweat and tears for this

i gave my blood, sweat and tears for this

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Donghyuck was exhausted. 

It was nearing the end of the first series of mock examinations of the year and in previous years, the students may not have taken it at seriously, they had two other major chances in the year to make up for it. However, this, was senior year, there was no room for error, not for him anyway.  

The sleep he had given up for these examinations was very clearly catching up to him at a really rubbish time. There was only about twenty minutes till the exam was over and he had been doing quite well but in the last fifteen minutes his ability to focus had completely slipped out of his grasp. He had done all the questions confidently till this last one, on waves or something. An attempt was made but he couldn't help but think something was missing, like he couldn't quite remember the equation correctly or missed a parameter, he didn't know. He had flicked back and proofread his work many times but in the last twenty minutes, his mind focused on everything other than the paper in front of him. The pencil resting between his fingers, the dull ache in his wrist growing more and more painful as the seconds ticked away, the way his posture currently embodied a shrivelled shrimp, the students turning the pages of their papers, fingers loudly prodding calculator keys, lead grazing the paper as every answer was written down - everything, he heard everything and he couldn't drown it out. The only thing he couldn't focus on was the 7 marks in front of him. The clicking of the invigilators heels, growing louder and louder until they stopped, right beside him. 

"Lee Donghyuck, put your pen down and close your paper."

um what

His eyebrows were drawn together in confusion.

actually what?

He looked up to the side to meet eyes with Professor Kang.

She glanced towards the door with her eyes, "Don't cause a scene in here, we'll talk about it on the way." Though her voice was hushed, they knew a few students around him had heard the exchange.

"Wait for me outside the hall and I will escort you to the Principle's Office"

what the fuck?

Donghyuck stood outside the hall, hand shoved in his pockets, foot rapidly hitting the wooden floor beneath him. He had no idea what was going on or why Professor Kang had decided to start causing a fuss now. All he wanted to do was spend the last fifteen-ish minutes reviewing that stupid waves question he couldn't correct. It could make or break his grade and he was out here instead of in the hall.

Professor Kang stepped out of the exam hall, throwing Donghyuck a stern look before leading him down the corridor, the clicking of her heels against the marble floors echoing through empty corridors. Donghyuck followed behind Professor Kang, trying to think of a calm and composed way of asking what was happening but the desperation left him begging for the answer.

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