° chapter thirteen

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Donghyuck had made it through all his lessons, only having homeroom left before he was done for the day. Lessons had gone as normally and smoothly as they once had, the staring and whispers every time he entered the classroom had faded into no unnecessary attention over the last two weeks - back to normal.           

Mr. Kim, his tutor, never took more time than he needed and always let them out long before the bell for the last period goes off so he wasn't worried. Just a few minutes and he would be on his way home.

just a few minutes

He sat in his seat beside the window, scrolling through the messages he had received on the group chat, occasionally replying to a few.

He didn't look up from his phone though, he wasn't looking to socialize with his classmates. He was aware of the loud chatter around him, the way the boys were fooling around at the back and how the girls had huddled into their mini groups, crowding around the individual desks, giggling over whatever tea had been spilled. Donghyuck was a popular kid, everyone knew his name, his grades, his father and as nice as popularity sounds, it came with its disadvantages. One move wrong and his name would flood the corridors in a matter of seconds. It meant eyes on him all the time but he hadn't once faltered under their prying stares. He stood tall, excelled and in most cases, he was respected for it, he mastered everything given to him and was humble about it all. Envy was given at a school like this, where you don't know a student beyond their names, their parents and their grades. Donghyuck seemed to have had it all, along with a set few others of course. He had the looks and the manners, the big house, the fancy cars, the rich dad and his perfect showcase wife but above all he had the grades. He topped the class ranks each and every time without fail, a 0.1% drop in grade average was a big enough matter to speak about for weeks.

After a few more minutes of scrolling through the same three apps, he heard the sound of chatter die down, the scraping of chairs against the wooden floorboards and rushed footsteps prompting him to slip his phone into his pocket. Mr. Kim entered the room, holding a large pile of papers in his hand and mischievous grin on his face. He liked this part.

"Guess what I have in my hands?" Mr. Kim beamed, pearly whites on show, eyebrows bouncing up and down as if to tease his students. "That's right! It's your report cards."

Some groaned in response, some faces were planted into the table, some smiled, some resorted to chatter, some screamed, begging not to receive it.

"I'll hand it out and then announce the top three."

"Face down?"

"Of course."

Over the past two weeks, the students of senior year had received their tests and marks so they were already somewhat aware of how they had done, however, they hadn't yet received their physics papers in person due to the fiasco that had gone down a couple of weeks back. Instead, they were emailed to each individual student, a measure the teachers had put in place carefully, that's what they had said anyway, to stop students from talking about it, directly to one another in school anyway. Of course, as most school strategies, it didn't work.

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