Dear Best Friend #2

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Dear Best Friend #2

I have not known you long, but our connection is strong.

Our love for each other is strong.

Our devotion to each other is strong.

You and I may not have known each other for long...

But all I needed was a day to know.

All I needed was a day to know that you are selfless.

All I needed was a day to know that you are caring.

All I needed was a day to know that you are funny.

All I needed was a day to know our connection was out of this world.

The amount of time and effort you put into those around you is incredible.

You are such a pure soul.

You have such a pure heart.

You have such an amazing laugh.

You have such a devotion to those around you.

And because of that...

I give you my loyalty.

I give you my unconditional love.

I give you my support.

I give you my undivided attention.

I give you my advice.

I give you my hugs.

I give you my shoulder to cry on.

I promise you.

I promise to be there for you forever.

I promise to listen to you forever.

I promise to laugh with you forever.

I promise to cry with you forever.

I promise to give you my love forever.

You will always be my best friend.


Your Forever Best Friend

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