The Sexy Cop (Zayn Imagine )

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"Flipping through a little book of sex tips. Remember when all the boys were electric. Now that she told you going to get it. I’m guessing you’d rather just forget it."

You sang along with the song as you drove home. The car’s window was down, causing the wind to violently blow your hair. You were upset, and in stressed.

Ever since Zayn joined the Law Enforcement, you two had no time together. He’s always busy with work and it seemed that he preferred his job over you. And now the only thing your do to keep yourself entertained is drive around town. You crank up your radio, until the only thing you hear is Alex Turner’s voice. "Oh that boy’s a slag, the best you ever had, the best you ever had is just a memory and those dreams are as daft they seem my love."

Shortly after, even through the loud blasting music, you hear the siren of a cop car, and it's right behind you. "Ah fuck." You said as your turn down your radio and stop to the side. You fix your review mirror and see the police officer getting out of his car and begin to walk towards you. Your eyes widen as you noticed the slick black hair pulled under that cop cap. It was Zayn! How…how could you get pulled over? And by Zayn! That bloody boyfriend you thought angry as you slammed a fist on your steering wheel."

"Are you in a hurry Briana?" Zayn asked as he raised an eyebrow.


"Well, I have to give you a ticket, Briana."

You jerked forward, putting both of your hands on the steering wheel. "For what?" You shouted. "For loudly putting my music? There was no one around."

He looked at you. "You were speeding."

You glared at him and leaned back against your seat. "That’s not fair," You said as you glared straight ahead and covered your chest with your arms. "I don’t know how you people live."

Zayn laughed. "Well love, I’ve explain my country rules before we landed."

"Zayn…Can’t you let me off the hook this time?" You pleaded.

The English man laughed as he pulled open your car door. "Briana please get out of the car."

You scoffed and looked away. "Why should I?"

"Get out of the car or else I will need to use force."

You angrily sigh, and step of the car, your arms still crossed. Suddenly, Zayn grabs your arm, and turned you around. You let out a small whimper as your chest hits the car. "What the fuck Zayn?"

You heard him chuckle, and then you felt his body on yours. "I’m sorry Briana," He seductively whispered in your ear. "But I’m so tempted right now. I just don’t want to lose my job."

His grip tightens as he pulls out his wrist cuffs and wraps them on your wrists. He finally turned you around, and smashed his lips against yours. If it wasn’t for the cuffs, your hands would run through his curly hair, and would also tug. Zayn pulled back with a big grin, and took of your glasses.

"Hey, what are y-" But before you can finish talking, he put his lips on yours again. You could feel his tongue maneuver its way inside your mouth. You groaned a little when he pulled a string of your hair.

Before you knew it, you guys were already making your way towards the cop car. Without removing his lips from yours, Zayn opened the door open, and pushed you inside. You banged your head on the handle door, but you didn’t care. All you wanted was Zayn. And now. Zayn smirked at your impatience, and began to slowly open your buttons.

"Why the fuck are you taking so long?" You asked, frustrated.

Zayn chuckled, and then began to kiss you again. You moaned under his pressure, and violently took off his shirt. You guys took a long exchange of taking of pants. Zayn was now only wearing his boxers, and you your undergarments. As Zayn began to nibble on your neck, you smiled evilly and thought, I can’t believe it. We’re actually going to do it inside a cop car!

He started to make his way down your stomach . Kissing every inch of your naked body . "Mhhm Zayn.. " You whisper at him . He kept on doing what he was doing . You arched your back in pleaser as he twirled his tongue around your belly button . You struggled with the sensation travling throughout your body . "Zayn I need you in me . " You moan out . He giggled under your demand . "I like to make things slow. " He added as he was biting off your underwear. He came back to meet you at face length and made eye contact with you . "I have been craving your body for a long time . " Zayn told you . It sent shivers up your spine . His breath tickling your neck . He licked his way down your body and stopped at the very start of your clit . Sucking and biting sending you to a different place. He did wonders to you with his tongue . "Z-z-z-z-Zayn. " you manage to say with such little breathe . You can't help but moan by bits at his amazing tongue work .

Just as you think he was done he sticks two fingers in you . Sending you to your most highest. "Cum for me ." Zayn said to you as he thrusted his fingers in you faster and faster as you panted and whimpered. "Za-Zayyyyn ! Don't stop ! " you yell out. Your arms and hands stone cold from the pressure you're putting on them to hold your body up to the highest . You felt his tongue insert you and started going in faster . your body doing wonders to you .You felt your self tighten around his fingers as he curved his fingers inside of you . "Zayn im gunnah - im gunnah cum ! " He couldn't help but smile at your words that made his fingers start slamming into you harder and sloppy. You arched our back and felt as if you were going to snap your back by how much you have curved your self . "Ahhhhh !! ' You moan out as your juices fell all over Zayn's fingers. He thrusted his fingers slowly into you . "Lick it . " He demands . You gladly smile and lick your juices off his finger. You looked down at him and noticed he was already hard.

He had you cuffed so you couldn't help him with that . "That was only the beginning " He whispers into your ear . You shiver and let out a heavy sigh . You feel his tip touch you and caused you to quiver. "Please. I need you. "

His body hovered yours and started to kiss your neck . Leaving wet kisses as he madly craved your neck . You guys heard a little rattling noise , "Officer. Malik , we need you at 21st Jump Street . Crime evolving a gang .Thank you . " Zayn looked at you and smiled . "I guess we have to call it a night . " He said as he got off .

Both of you were panting and began to dress up. You picked up your glasses from the floor, and tugged on your cardigan so it can fit snuggly. You walked over to were Zayn was. He was writing something on a pad, and then ripped it out. "About that ticket…"

Zayn grinned, but didn’t look up to look at you. "Don’t worry about it Briana, that little ‘play time’ in the car paid it off."

You blushed and looked down.


You looked up, and Zayn was holding a paper towards you. Your eyes widen, and you could feel yourself turning pale. "But you said-"

Zayn smirked and brought your head towards his lips. He kissed your forehead, and started walking towards his car. He got in, but before he could leave, he shouted. "Bye love!"

You angrily sigh, and turned back to your car. When you look down at your ticket, you noticed it wasn’t one. In Zayn’s word, it said,

Second round, tonight.

So I hope you all enjoyed it :D haha , Just for the record , this was created by my good friend Juliette ( TheBrokenLittleDoll ):D Please read her stories ? She's an amazing writer and it would mean a lot to me if you do :D <3>

~~~~well I hope you enjoyed it ! please don't forget to let me know what you think , vote , comment . It'll make me want to write even more so please tell me what you would like to read :DD Thanks a lot and I love you all <3 stay beautiful (: ~~~~

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