1- •As thousands of years go by...•

523 13 11

Word count: 1338

Characters: stardust and black void (y/n)

Still alone in the darkness as thousands of years go by, But you wondered, how does it feel to be free, to see the outside,

be out of this hell hole, and explore the galaxy "Why must I be in this misery?" You asked yourself.

"I want to be free!" You asked yourself again but this time you said
it louder hoping for somebody someone to hear you but...

The only thing that can hear you is the endless void the dead stars and the dead bodies from the cookies that have fallen down with you.

You felt guilty for those cookies who have fallen, you thought it was your fault for being selfish to yourself, and you thought that if you disappeared forever then maybe those fallen cookies would live longer, to have a bright future and enjoy their self's.

But you're still here..

you looked around but nothing. "This is pointless"

"I should just go to sleep and I guess be alone for the next two thousand years." You asked yourself as in the mood to fall asleep.

You tried to sleep but you couldn't "I don't want to be alone.." But no matter how much you want to be free and don't want to be alone.

you will still be alone for years no matter what.


A hounded of years passed, and still in the void waiting for someone to notice you.

But no luck what so ever.

But you looked up and saw stars falling to the void, 'great' you' thought "another one joined to this hell hole too."

You looked at the star but then something caught your eye.

You looked out of the void and out of nowhere you saw something...a shooting star?

No wait it's not a shooting star something is in it? You tried to get closer to it but couldn't because the void was holding you back.

" FUCK I FUCKING HATE THIS!" You yelled but when you yelled the shooting star stopped.

It's a cookie?!

The strange figure was looking around for something probably trying to figure out who yelled but it looked at your way I think it was looking at the black void.

But at a second you heard something zooming, quickly heading directly at your way.

-The strange cookie POV-

I was going to planet to planet through the galaxy trying to find the city of wizards again.

"FUCK I FUCKING HATE THIS" I heard somebody yelled in the middle of nowhere.

"Uh- hello is anybody here?" I looked around for a respond but nothing,

until I found a black void.

I went to check it out but I tried not to go too close I looked down and took a peak until I saw dead bodies from the fallen, dead stars, the void itself, and a


The strange cookie looked at me with a shocked face.

"W-who are you w-what do you want?!" The strange cookie asked me.

"I don't want anything from you" I looked at them and I could see that they are getting a bit mad.

"That's a lie literally everyone from the outside always wants something or just manipulate me specially that one cookie that always holds a goddam giant size key!"

°•*A long Journey Ahead*•° Stardust X Reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now