3- °the train conductor°

245 9 7

Word count: 1019
Characters: stardust, black void, and milky way
Your POV

As we got in to the train a small cookie that wear a uniform

'hm they must be the train conductor' I thought to myself.

' wait isn't that cookie a child?!' my eyes widen when I looked closely.

'that cookie is a child!' I was surprised I got to admit and also amazed that a child knows how to drive a train.

'wow that's amazing but kinda dangerous but at least they know how to control the train'

I said to myself but then I snapped back at reality when I realized that it was my turn to show my ticket, and stardust already showed his it was so awkward.

They were staring at me. I got so embarrassed..

Stardust POV

As me and black void were walking in line I saw three cookies fighting near the fountain.

One of them pushed the other cookie at the water and the other one grabbed the other cookies neck and throw them causing them to hit the vending machine, and then started to punch each other while everyone was watching, enjoying, and recording the fight, but then security came in and took them away.

I couldn't tell if the cookie that fell in to the water was okay but the ambulance came and took them away too.

As it was our turn to show our tickets to the train conductor, I showed them my ticket then it was voids turn but they didn't show their ticket, but then they shook their head and then looked at us confused.

Your POV

I was so confused and embarrassed that I couldn't even speak

"hey void you have to show them your ticket" stardust whispered to me I quickly showed them my ticket.

"You may get on the train" the conductor said.

We got in the train but before we were going to our seats, the train conductor came in and went to stardust.

"Well hello stardust it's great to have you back" the train conductor said happily but then the train conductor turned to me

"oh hello you must be new here" the conductor said "I'm Milky way cookie, your train conductor" Milky way said in joy

"and you are?" They said

"I-I'm uh I-I'm" 'just suck it up' "I'M BLACK VOID COOKIE! (or black hole cookie) I said loudly and everyone looked at me.

I didn't like people looking at me so, I hid behind stardust cookie.

"Ohh lookie they are hiding behind their boyfriend" a passenger said.

I was still by embarrassment I'm such a dumbass.

Stardust POV

As we were about to take our seats Milky way came to me I waved at them and they waved back.

"Well hello stardust it's great to have you back" they smiled and then turned to void.

As Milky way was talking to them I noticed that there was a crack on on of windows and tape on another window.

'I wonder what happened to the train..' " I'M VOID COOKIE!" I turned to see black void, looking at everyone, but then quickly hid right behind me, I hold them tight

"Ohh lookie they are hiding behind their boyfriend" a passenger said, I felt embarrassed and... I started to blush?! I can feel my face heating up and I quickly hid my face with my coat.

"ohh he's blushing"

Another passenger said and it made it worse.

"Everyone this is clearly unacceptable!" Milky way cookie said angerly, and made everyone shocked and faced to them

"This is a new passenger and also a returning one, our job is to make them feel welcome, not make them feel bad or uncomfortable!" Milky way said but starting to feel calm.

Milky way cookie's POV

I was so mad I didn't want stardust to be uncomfortable and stardusts date- I'm kidding stardust's friend to be uncomfortable as well.

*Sigh* I sighed "looked I will let this one go, because this is the first time that this has ever happened, but make sure this doesn't happen again".

After I said that everyone went back what they were doing I turned to stardust and black void cookie.

"I apologize for this behavior, I will make sure this doesn't happen ever again". I said

"it's okay Milky way"

"yeah it's fine" black void and stardust said, I smiled

"Well you guys better get to your seats" I said, and they both went to their seats.

Your POV

As Milky way said to go to our seats went and sat down. All tho I was still embarrassed but I let that go out of my mind.

+----------time skip 5 minutes later-------------+

Still your POV

As I was looking out the window, I noticed that there is guy selling food for the passengers, as the guy come towards us, he looked at us and then gave us a smirk.

"Two love birds I see..."

He teased at us "anyways what will you like" 'did this mother fucker just smirked out of nowhere and then call us love birds and then tell us what we want like nothing ever happened' I said to myself.

"Um no thanks" stardust said but not looking at the guy at all "you" he looked at me "um I don't want anything either" I said

he then went to the next passenger.

"You know, I'm starting to get confused why three cookies think we are dating.. ya know" I said while looking at the ground.

"Yeah me too" he sighed.

"Yeah like why?" I said while trying to figure out or why cookies think we're dating.

"Speaking of that when is the train going to-"

*Insert the train starting*


I jumped when it made that noise causing me to fall to the ground.

He looked at me. He then laughed and so did everyone I felt embarrassed.

"WHY DID NOBODY WARN ME ABOUT THAT?!" I can feel myself shaking.

"I'm guessing you got scared" he said while giving me a hand, I grabbed his hand and pulled me up

"aww" everyone on the train said.

"All aboard the train is taking off" milky way cookie said in the speakers.

I could tell she was laughing as well.

And I quickly got to my seat.

I looked at stardust and he was still laughing about the hole jumpscare.

"Shut up it wasn't funny!"

°•*A long Journey Ahead*•° Stardust X Reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now