8- |your a hole different cookie|part 2|

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Warning this chapter will contain: gore, blood, and ripping organs.

Word count: 888

No one's POV

As you closed your eyes. Darkness came all around you.

Covering your hole body.

Everyone looked shocked.

soon enough the shadows were slowly disappearing.

And uncovering your body.

Everyone saw you now, but they can't see your face since it's covered by a black mask, but soon enough you took it off.

It horrified everyone.

your face looked like it was starting to crumble.

your smile disappeared to a frown, and then your eyes looked tired and look like you were crying a lot, the color of your eyes were pitch black a white circle in the middle.

It's like, Your a hole different cookie.

From nice to mysterious.

Then you took a glance at the monster, until a blink of in eye you used your power to summon a black hole.

But then you noticed that it wasn't really doing anything because it wasn't effective.

But you knew another way to get rid of it.

Your POV

I pulled out my arm and grabbed my staff.

Amber glass's POV

They swinged their staff, until a sharp knife camed out.

And then out of nowhere.

They started to cut the.

Monsters stomach, Making blood splatter to a blood bath. Stabbing it repeatedly, ripping it's organs out.

Just when I thought it was over they started to cut the monster in half.

I could hear screams from afar. But something caught my eye.

I saw some stars falling apart. The moonlights glow, isn't glowing anymore.


That was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"She's in trouble" 'is it because of voids power?' I started to have thoughts in my mind.

'maybe it is'

Stardust's POV

I could hear screams coming from the monster, but I noticed how void was starting to get a bit tired.

I then started to see news reports.

While I was looking around I heard the monster growled in pain, which caught me off guard.

Looks like the monster was dead, but there are still skin and organs scattered around.

I looked back and void still looked tired, but then they suddenly started to fall asleep.

My heart sank.

I knew I can turn to my form but there's cookies around.

'screw it!'

Sugar glasses POV

Stardust started to turn to his bird from. I knew he haded feelings for them.

No one's POV

As you were falling almost to your death stardust catch you just in time.

He took you to the apartment while you were still in your slumber.

"Don't we need to tell black void something?" Amber looked at sugar glass cookie and nova.

"We will but for now we have something else.. to do" sugar glass said as they have something in their minds.

"Let's go back and.. I don't know talk this out?" Nova suggested.

"Yeah come on let's go"

Amber and nova headed back but sugar glass in the other hand stayed for a while '

may we meet again..

my old friend.'

And so. she headed back.

Mean while with the trio...

Stardust's POV

I opened the door only to be meet with milky way and space doughnut.

"We saw the news, are they okay?!" Milky way said as they looked worried.

"They're fine, they just need a bit of sleep."

"Alright, also the train station said that the trian will be ready in the next 4 weeks"


I opened the door and placed void there in the bed.

I kissed their cheek.

"I hope you get a good sleep, I love you"

And so, I left.

Next chapter will be the last chapter of book 1, and then book 2 will be released really soon!

Also thank you VentiMintchoco for helping me with this chapter! I seriously needed help with this.

°•*A long Journey Ahead*•° Stardust X Reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now