His Comfort

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A week later, Nat is sitting in a small coffee shop drinking her coffee and picking at her chocolate muffin. 

They still haven't found anything about the guy who killed his family. She is here because she wants a break from the stress of coming up empty. 

She just wants to get a win. After everything that happened with Loki and now losing this guy, she needs a win. Luckily, life seems to be in her favour.

The wind chimes over the door ring, signalling a customer entering. She looks in the direction of the door, a natural human reaction. 

She looks over and her eyes find the guy that she has been searching for, for the past week walk inside. She watches as he looks around nervously before spotting her.

His eyes widen as she stands up before he bolts from the coffee shop. She runs out after him, giving chase.

Luckily for Nat, the street isn't too busy at this hour so she can see him perfectly. He turns into an alleyway running until he hits a dead end.

Nat runs down the alley watching him as he looks around terrified, trying to figure a way out of there. She slows down, knowing he can't go anywhere.

His head snaps in her direction, looking extremely terrified before looking up at the walls as he whimpers in fear. 

She holds her hands up to him as she inches closer to him. He watches her every move as she moves closer to him. 

"I'm not here to hurt you."

He whimpers looking in her eyes. She moves closer, taking his right hand into her hand.

"See I'm not going to hurt you."

She takes his other hand in hers, looking at him as he looks around terrified.

"It's okay. It's okay."

He pulls his hands from her grasp gently before moving closer to her. He wraps his arms around her, hugging her tightly. 

"I didn't do it. I didn't do it."

She hugs him back, rubbing his back as he cries into her shoulder. She runs her fingers through his hair letting him calm down. 

Once he calms down, she guides him out of the alleyway and back to her car. She opens the front passenger door and he gets in. 

She closes the door before walking to the other side of the car and getting in. She puts her seatbelt on before looking at him. 

"You gonna put your seatbelt on?"

He pulls the seatbelt putting it on.

"I'm scared."

She puts her hand on his thigh, rubbing it affectionately. 

"I didn't do it. I didn't kill anyone. Don't take me back there."

Nat starts driving as he looks at her.

"I'm sorry but I have too."


She looks at him as he looks down at his hands looking like a child who got in trouble.

"We have to ask you some questions."

He nods before interlocking his fingers with her hand that was on his thigh. The car ride back to the Tower is silent. 

She takes her hand from his so she can shift gears. When they arrive the garage, they both get out and he immediately rushes to her side. 

"Come on."

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