Part of the Team

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Everyone falls silent as the hooded figure watches them all cautiously. He looks ahead of him to see the beaked masked man. 

"Он взорвет мое прикрытие. Убей их всех ради меня, мой солдат." (He will blow my cover. Kill them all for me, my soldier)

"Конечно, доктор." (Of course Doctor)

They all watch as violet blades come out of his hands. He immediately goes for Nat since she is the closest but before his blade can even touch her, something stops him.

"He's fighting for control."

The others lower their weapons after Nat says that. Suddenly, he is blasted back in a violet explosion and thrown across the room, hurting no one else. Nat rushes over as Y/N lays knocked out on the floor. 

"See he's a killer! He tried to kill Nat!"

Steve pulls Nat roughly away from Y/N. Clint picks Y/N up and carries him to the infirmary as Bruce follows. 

"Let me go Steve!"

"He tried to hurt you! How can you defend me?!"

Steve lets go of Nat after she punches him in the dick.

"He tried to fight whatever it is that is controlling him. The hooded man is not Y/N."

Natasha leaves for the infirmary, the others glaring at Steve before following in hopes of finding out more about Y/N. Bruce looks at them as they enter.


"We can't run any tests, nothing can protrude his skin."

Natasha walks closer to Y/N as the machines beep madly. She strokes his cheek with her thumb, his heart calming down. 

"Try now Bruce," Tony says.

Bruce tries to inject Y/N again but nothing happens. Natasha takes the needle from Bruce as they all watch confused.

"Nat it won't-"

Bruce cuts himself off as the needle pushes into Y/N's skin, releasing it's contents into his body. 


"He trusts Nat," Clint says proudly.

Bruce talks Nat through what to do before they all sit around waiting for the results to find out what powers he has and who the doctor is.

"Nothing," Bruce says after a few hours.


Tony walks over to the computers to see there is no traces of powers and no information on who the doctor is.

"Maybe the explosion removed his powers?"

Before anyone can respond Y/N quickly sits up and looks around confused and in a panic till his eyes land on Nat.

"Hey, you're okay."

She smiles softly, taking his hand and standing up. He moves to the edge of the bed so he can stand up, hugging her tightly.

Tony picks up a knife throwing it in Nat's direction. Before anyone can question him, the hooded clothes cover Y/N's as his eyes turn violet. His blade appears in his right hand as he cuts the knife before if even got close to them.

"His powers aren't gone."

He shrugs as everyone glares at him, Y/N's clothes return normal and his eyes go back to green as he moves back to hug Nat.

"Mr. L/N."

Everyone turns to Nick, Y/N keeping his arms around Nat who holds him.


"How would you like to be part of the Avengers?"

Y/N looks around at the others who all smile at him. He looks down at Nat whose smile is the widest which makes him smile.

"What's the Avengers?"

"A group of heroes."

"Is Nat part of this group?"

"Yes I am honey."

He smiles before nodding.

"Then I will."

"Welcome to the Avengers Y/N."

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