Unknown Powers

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The next morning, Natasha wakes up to knocking on her door. She looks at her clock seeing 8am, that's the longest she's slept in awhile. 

"Come in."

Steve walks in looking at Nat with Y/N cuddled up to her still. 

"What is he doing?"


"Why is he here and not in a cell?"

"He's scared."

"He's a killer!"

"No he's not!"

She runs her fingers through his hair as he stirs slightly, keeping him asleep and relaxed. 

"He needs to be in a cell."

Steve roughly grabs the scruff of Y/N's neck pulling him up which startles him awake.


"Come on."

Steve roughly moves Y/N, dragging him as he tries to keep his balance.

"Steve let him go!"

They enter the common room, Nat trying to get Steve to let Y/N go. Everyone turns around to look at the commotion. 

"Stop resisting!"

"Steve stop you're hurting him!"

"Stop it Nat!"

Steve moves his arm roughly, knocking Nat back making her stumble. Suddenly, Y/N turns to his right where to everyone else no one is, but to Y/N the beaked masked man is there. 

"He hurt her. Protect her."

They all watch him cautiously before his eyes turn a violet colour. The clothes he was wearing turn into the hooded suit of the man from the video.

His leg slips back behind Steve's and trips him making him fall to the floor. He stands in front of Nat protectively. 

"Отойдите в сторону."

"What's he staying Nat?"

"He said stand back."

"Like I'm scared of him."

Steve stands up before loads of Y/N's appear around him and violent blades appear in their hands. 

"Последнее предупреждение, отойдите," they all say.

"Last warning, stand down."

"Like shit."

Steve swings at one of the Y/N's who easily catch his wrist. He swings again and they catch his hand again before another one jumps over his shoulder, kicking the side of Steve's head and knocking him out. 

The others look at him in shock readying their weapons, except Nat who looks from Steve to Y/N in shock.

"They want to hurt her and you. Defend her and your honour. Kill them."

Y/N nods as they all watch confused. 

"Скопируйте это." (Copy that.)

More Y/N's appear, ready to attack them all to defend Nat and his honour. One by one they take on the Avengers. Nat watches in shock, she has to try stop them.


Suddenly all the other Y/N's disappear, excluding the real one who is stood in front of Nat. The hooded suit disappears as he turns to Nat. 

He blinks a few times as his eyes turn from violet to their natural green. He cups Nat's face as she looks at him. 

"Are you okay? Did he-"

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