Robotic Party Pooper

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Natasha takes Y/N's hand as they head down to the party with Y/N stopping on the stairs making Nat look at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I've never been to a party. I don't know what I'm meant to do."

"Just mingle."

"Can't I just stay with you?"

Nat smiles.

"As much as I would enjoy that, I have girl stuff to catch up on with Maria."

"But you'll stay close enough to me, right? Like you can see me and I can see you."

"Of course sweetie. Now come on."

She guides him down the stairs into the party that is in full swing. Nat walks off to Maria as Y/N awkwardly walks over to some other guests. 

"Hey Maria."

Maria turns around.

"Hi Nat. Where's Y/N? He's normally attached to you."

Nat rolls her eyes. 

"He's over there."

She points at him and Maria sees him talking to some war veterans. 

"So, how are things? You confess your love for him yet?"

"Love is for children."

Maria rolls her eyes.

"If I were you, I'd get to making my move. He's a cute guy, sooner or later some other girl is gonna realise that."

Nat looks at Y/N as Maria pours them a drink. Meanwhile, Bruce walks over to Y/N.

"Hey Y/N."


Bruce sits beside him.

"So where's Nat?"

"She's at the bar."

The two look to the bar, Nat noticing Y/N so she waves with a smile which he returns.

"You know I always wanted to date Nat."


Y/N's smile falls from his face.

"Yeah but she turned me down. If I can't have her, I'm glad it's you."


Bruce laughs.

"You'll figure it out, kid."

Bruce gets up walking away and Y/N sits there confused before getting up and walking over to the bar where Natasha is making a cocktail. 


"Hey you."

He smiles watching her.


"You're cute."

"Have you been drinking?"


Nat just shakes her head at him. He walks around the counter to her before wrapping his arms around her.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Do you think Tony will play pool with me?"

"Why don't you ask him?"

"I will I just wanted to say hi to you first."

Nat smiles and kisses his cheek. 

"Go have fun, I'm fine here."

"If you need me, I'll come running."

"I know."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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