Gaining Control

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Natasha yawns as she wakes up, checking her phone to see 4am. She looks to the other side of the bed noticing it empty and sighs.

"Not again."

She groans as she gets out of the bed, walking to the lift and getting in before pressing the button for the training area.

After a few minutes, she arrives and as she expected the hooded figure is practicing different moves, using illusions as weapons. 


The hooded figure turns around before groaning.

"Give Y/N back control."

"Вам повезло, что мы все обсудили." (You are lucky we talked everything through.)

The clothes of the hooded figure fade away, Y/N blinking before seeing Nat and smiling.


She groans.

"What have I said about calling me that?"

"Not to."

He walks over to her, the smile never leaving his face. She puts her hand on his lower back guiding him to the lift.

"But, and hear me out here, it's cute and it can be our thing."

"I'll consider it." She says pressing the button for the living quarters.

The two of them reach the room, both of them getting into bed. It doesn't take long for Y/N to be cuddled up to Nat as she runs her fingers through his hair.

"We have a mission coming up soon in Sokovia."

"Do you think I have the control of him?"

"Better than you did. But we won't call for you unless it's completely necessary."


"I promise Мальчика." (Baby boy.)

"I still don't speak Russian."

 Nat laughs as Y/N snuggles closer to her.

"You can't get any closer."

"But you're warm."

Nat laughs kissing his head and pulling him tighter against her. He smiles up at her before putting his head on her chest. 

Around lunch time, Nat is making lunch for her, Bruce, Thor, Tony, Clint and Y/N. Suddenly, they all here a commotion coming from the living area. 

They all look at each other before they run towards the living area, running down the hall they see Steve punching Y/N.


"Steve stop!"

Nat walks closer to them.

"Steve stop or he'll change."

"He hasn't yet!"

Steve smirks as he continues to beat into Y/N.

"Возьмите управление в свои руки." (Take control.)

Y/N's eyes turn violet before the hooded figure takes control, sidestepping Steve's punch and holding a blade to his neck.

"Now Steve you better leave him alone or he will kill you."


"Освободите место." (Stand down.)

The hooded figure gives up control, Y/N blinking before wobbling only for Nat to catch him.

"Thanks Nat-"

Nat puts her hand over Y/N's mouth making him raise an eyebrow as the others look at her confused.

"If you say it in front of them, we aren't cuddling anymore," she whispers in his ear. 

He nods rapidly before she moves her hand. Nat knowing how much she would've been teased by the others if Y/N had called her Natty.

She takes his hand, bringing him to the kitchen to put some ice on his eye. He smiles at her as she holds it to his eye.

"Why are you always so smiley?"

"Because I'm around you."

Nat looks away from Y/N as she gets butterflies in her stomach, trying to ignore them. 

"We should really check in with Tony about your room. It's been three years."

Now it's Y/N's turn to look away, his cheeks turning red. 


He turns around with his back to Nat as she looks at him.

"What do you know that I don't?"

"Nothing," he mumbles.

Nat walks around the counter to Y/N, tilting his chin up to make him look at her.

"Y/N tell me what you know."

He whimpers as she bends down to his level. 

"Come on Y/N."

"My room has been ready since a month after I got here...."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I wanted to cuddle with you."

He pouts as she chuckles kissing his cheek.

"You're adorable."

He blushes before hugging her tightly which she returns. 

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