Purple is the Color of Death

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The next morning, Sherry and I sat at our kitchen table. We were too shocked to really say anything. What were we going to do?

"Should we go back?" I asked Sherry.

"I think we should. This Purple Guy is a lost soul like the others. He deserves a chance to be set free." Sherry replied.

I nodded.

"I know where you're coming from, but he did try to kill us." I stated.

"Yeah, but everyone deserves a chance at redemption." Sherry added.

"He killed 5 children." I argued.

"We all make mistakes!" Sherry replied.

I huffed.

"Don't you huff at me!" Sherry shouted.

"Sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt." I said.

Sherry smiled. She reached her hand out and held my hand.

"I won't get hurt. I have you to protect me."

"Ok, then let's get to work." I replied.

That night, we drove to the attraction for our shift. We both walked in and went to the office. Today, I had brought a baseball bat, an axe, and that old crowbar.

"You can never be too careful." I stated as I handed the axe to Sherry.

She took it.

The bell rang for our shift to begin.

"This is it." I sighed.

I picked up the security camera and scrolled through the cams. Spring Trap was walking around. He wasn't really coming towards us, but that just made me weary. He was planning something.

I suddenly heard clanking. I looked up at the window. Freddy was limping past it. I readied the baseball bat.

Freddy stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned towards us. He then burst through the window. He tackled me to the ground. He pinned both my arms down. He began to shriek in my face.

He suddenly burst into black mist. Sherry stood above me with her axe.

She reached her hand down and helped me up.

"Thanks." I said.

"And you thought I was the one who needed protecting." She laughed.

I chuckled.

We went back to watching the cameras. I saw the puppet crawling across one of the walls. I couldn't find Spring Trap. I switched to the vent cams. Spring Trap was crawling through the vents really fast. I turned around to warn Sherry, but it was too late. Spring Trap was already through! Had grabbed Sherry by the ankles and pulled her through the vents.

"MIKE!!!" She screamed.

"SHERRY!!!" I shouted back.

I saw that she had dropped her axe. I picked it up and ran out of the office. I sprinted down the halls.

I was suddenly ambushed by the Puppet. I swung my axe and split him in half. He then burst into black ooze.

And evil laugh suddenly rang through the halls. It was Spring Trap.

"Purple Guy! You coward! Come and fight me like a man!" I yelled.

One of the vents opened and Spring Trap crawled out.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"My friends have her. If you want to see her alive again, you have to answer my little riddles." Spring Trap stated.

"Say them then." I replied.

"First; There is a certain crime, that if it is attempted, is punishable, but if it is committed, is not punishable. What is the crime?" Spring Trap asked.

Crap! I figured it would be simpler. I had to think.

"Tic toc, tic toc." Spring Trap said.

The answer suddenly clicked!

"The answer is Suicide! You can't be punished when you're already dead!" I answered.

"Ok, next riddle; Until I am measured I am not known yet how you miss me when I have flown, what am I?" Spring Trap asked.

"That's easy, it's time." I stated.

"Crap, ok, last one! What am I?" Spring Trap asked.

"That's not a riddle!" I shouted.

"Yes it is! Now answer me! What am I?" Spring Trap argued.

I began to freak out!

"What happens if I get it wrong?" I asked.

"We kill your wife!" Spring Trap laughed.

I quickly began to think. What am I? Was he referring to himself? No, that couldn't be right. That would be too obvious. It's obviously a trick.

I suddenly figured it out!

"A question!" I shouted. "What am I is a question!"

"I didn't think you would get that right. Ok, you have five minutes to find and save your wife." Spring Trap stated.

I quickly ran to the office. I searched for Sherry. She was in the storage room.

I quickly began to run in that direction. My five minutes were almost up! I ran up to the storage room. The phantoms were in there surrounding Sherry.

"Get the heck away from her!" I shouted.

"Your time is up!" The puppet shouted back.

They all began to try to stuff Sherry into a Freddy costume.

"MIKE!!!" She screamed.

I ran in and chopped down on all the phantoms. Sherry's arm was stuffed in the suit.

"Sherry, this will hurt, but I'm gonna pull your arm out." I said.

She nodded.

I began to pull. She started screaming in pain.

"Sorry!" I said.

I looked inside the arm. There was a piece of metal piercing her arm.

"Sherry..." I said.

"What is it Mike?" She asked.

She was sweating and scared.

"I'm not gonna be able to get that arm off. You're losing a lot of blood, and there's only one way to get it off." I stated.

Sherry gulped. She knew what I was thinking. Her eyes wandered towards the axe I was holding. She nodded slowly.

I knelt down next to her.

I raised the axe slowly. I then swung down at her arm.

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