Chapter Fourteen - Stalker

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I reached up and grabbed my suitcase from the top of my closet, causing an avalanche to fall from the top of the closet. I let out a heavy groan, frustrated at the mess I had created. Noah had told me to just wait until he got back from the store and he'd get it down, but he had to know I wouldn't listen. I grabbed several things in my hands, various papers that my husband had shoved up there, books that didn't get read, presents from family members that couldn't be returned but were too awful to have out. I paused when I held a large tan envelope in my hand. My brows knitted together, as I didn't recognize the hand writing on the front. I took it to the bed and sat down, wondering if I even wanted to know. It was addressed as "ATTN: John Walker". Maybe it was something to do with the military? Maybe it was top secret and that's why he shoved it to the top of the closet, out of reach from my hands.
I took a deep breath and pulled the brads up, slicing my finger as I did so. I licked it, and went back to snooping. It had pictures in it, and a letter. Did I want to see these? Was this government stuff I shouldn't see? Fuck it, he's dead, and no one has tracked it down. I spilled the contents onto the bed. There it was, multiple pictures of Chris and me in the bedroom, but one in particular stood out. It was at the bar on the first night we met. He was walking me out to his BMW, his hand resting a little lower on my back than it should have been. What the fuck was all of this? There had to be 50 pictures in total. My heart pounded out of my chest and I reached for the letter that was on notebook paper that somehow still wreaked of whiskey. The words had clearly been written with anger and passion telling by the pen strokes and how deep the impression on the back of the paper was. I could feel the bumps of the letter on the back. My eyes rounded in horror as I read the letter that depicted and described everything. Who would do this? My eyes fell to the bottom of the sheet, as if whatever force was in control of my life was saying, 'hey, dummy! Look!' There at the bottom of that whiskey stained page held the answer.

I did as you asked and I followed her out with her friends. Alex introduced her to this man, tattoos, about 6'2, black hair. I didn't catch his name, though. After awhile Kat got drunk, as you expected, and he took her home. From there I watched through the window as he stripped her down, bound her up, and fucked her in every way imaginable. Man's got game, and that girl has some lungs. I was right, the bitch is cheating. You owe me. Or, you could pay me with her sweet pussy. I have supplied the pictures as well. Whenever you're ready for the confrontation, I'll be there.
Your friend,

"Noah, you didn't have to read it aloud," I stated later as he stood in front of Chris and me in the living room. He ran his hand through his hair, and handed the letter to Chris who was urging him to pass it with his hands outstretched from the couch. I rolled my eyes.
"I mean, what do we even do? Conner clearly has more on us, and I wouldn't doubt if he's been stalking me for a while now." Noah sighed heavily and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't feel safe, I feel invaded."

"So, we file a restraining order. We take it to court. I mean, he blackmailed Chris, we have proof." Noah pointed to Chris who was reading over the letter again and again, fuming over his words.

"I was thinking murder, but I mean, yeah okay. We can take a legal route." Chris' rage was unbridled, and for a moment I was sure he was going to storm out and murder Conner. Tonight in Scranton, rocker Chris Motionless murders a veteran in cold blood. I shook the thought from my head. The threats were... obscene. I gagged at the thought of Conner having his way with me all over a bet that he thinks he won. Noah could see the concern on my face, and he knelt down in front of me. He gripped my hands tightly in his.

"No one is going to hurt you, Kit Kat. Not with me around. I promise you that," he assured me. Chris then wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close.

"Same here, kid. No one is touching you. Not unless it's Noah or me." Noah shot him a death glare.

"One. Time." Noah referred to having found out that Chris' one time proposal matched mine, and he hadn't been taking it easy on him either. It's been a week since that terrible decision. Noah had said something about it being okay when I want it, but completely different when Chris wants it. Chris eased his grip and looked away.
"Kat, baby, you're safe. I promise. Besides, we're going out to Texas for that wedding anyways, we will be at your parents house, he can't get you there." Noah was right. We are going to Texas tomorrow, and I'll be out of reach. Chris got up from the couch and wandered into my kitchen to get something to drink. That was another thing that bugged Noah. Chris would make himself at home whenever he pleased. I never cared, and never saw it as a problem.

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