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Hey everyone! I know, it's been forever and you were probably hoping for an update. But instead, I come here bearing the gift of my new dark romance that is about to published to Amazon! Introducing....

'Til Death, a thrilling and captivating dark romance!I am so excited to get this out to everyone, and I am very excited to see everyone's reactions! At the moment we don't have a date, but I have a goal of a roundabout time for it!If anyone has an...

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'Til Death, a thrilling and captivating dark romance!
I am so excited to get this out to everyone, and I am very excited to see everyone's reactions! At the moment we don't have a date, but I have a goal of a roundabout time for it!
If anyone has any questions feel free to drop it in the comment section, or even message me on Instagram: desimorgue

   Eternally Yours,
            Desi Morgue

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