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I'm at station 934
come pick me up pls

Okay, I'm already
here. Just need to get to
ur station

Thank you bae ❤️❤️


I was currently driving to the train station to pick Daisy up, who's arrival completely excited me. I can't wait to tell her what happened.

She was standing right where she said, looking down at her phone. Oblivious to her surroundings. I wanted to stand for a few minutes. Just until she realised.

Daisy looked up a few times, but never in the right direction. It was getting boring, so I decided to just walk into her by 'accident'

"Oi, watch where you're- Cora!" She gave me a big hug, while I burst out laughing.

"Calm down, it's only been a few weeks,"

"I know, but I missed you. " I couldn't help but smile.

"Come on, I have a lot to tell you." I picked up her suitcase and led her to my car


"Woah, I don't even what to say,"

We'd gotten home, gotten into our pyjamas, and into bed for some 'girl talk'. I'd told her the whole story, including what happened yesterday. She squealed very loudly.

"You guys would be SO cute together, power couple." I rolled my eyes at the idea.

"Yeah well I only said yes so he'd leave me alone,"

"Well don't lie, that shit didn't make you horny?"

"Completely off topic. What should I do? Should I go on this date?"

"Well obviously!" She squealed as my phone very loudly buzzed.

What are the odds of getting a message right as we're talking about it?

@TRENTARNOLD66 : you free in a few

"He just messaged me asking if I was free in a few hours"

"Well say yes then!"

"But I'm not free in a few hours. I'm with you!"

"Just shut up and reply, I'm a grown woman. I think I'll find something to do."

"Jesus, okay" I shook my head, slowly grabbing my phone while looking at her. Hoping she'd change her mind. She nodded her head back knowingly.

Private DM's

yep, why?

I'm coming to pick you
up at 5pm

Very short notice.

Don't mind it


"Come on then, let's get you ready," despite all my groaning, she still somehow got me out of bed and I followed her into the bathroom. She threw me a towel and some underwear and just closed the door on me, so I'm guessing she wants me to take a shower.

I'd had a very quick shower, making sure to use all my nice smelling products, slowly opening the bathroom door to see what Daisy had in store for me.

"Finally, fucking hell you were taking years, I put an out together."

She pointed over to my bed, where my floral print dress with a matching pair of heels sat. It was actually quite a good combo, don't think I've ever paired those together.

"Yeah, you can thank me later. Now hurry up and get ready, while I chose a nice smelling perfume to make him fall in love, or maybe just borrow forever when you're not looking,"

I chuckled, before looking up to the clock on my wall. It was 4:00 which meant I had an hour to get ready and do my makeup. Let's hope Daisy can work her usual magic.

"Yep, this one's perfect!" I'm not sure which one she picked but it was a very cherry scented perfume. I spritzed a few sprays and sat down to get my makeup done.

My session in the chair did not last too long as it was done in an instant. All she had left to do now was dry my hair.

"You do know you don't have to do this right? I'm perfectly capable,"

"Oh, I know, but I'm not gonna let you take all this fun away from me," I smiled at her excitement. I was just grateful she was here.

A few more minutes of silence before Daisy squealed making me jump and nearly getting burned by the curling iron. She'd finally turned my chair around to the mirror and let me see what she'd done.

"Wow, I look amazing!" I couldn't help myself from standing up and giving her a massive hug. I was in complete shock with the transformation.

"I would boast about how amazing I am, but you've gotten a few miscalls in the last few minutes," I alarmingly looked down at my phone and she was right, 4 miscalls.

"Oh my god, why didn't you tell me? He's gonna be pissed!"

"Awww, do you actually care about his feelings?" I rolled my eyes and ran out the door, muttering a quick 'bye' to her, before closing the door. I made my way down to the front of the building, and of course, there he was. Looking at his watch, and then back up at the door.

He looked slightly annoyed, but it seemed like he was trying his hardest to cover it.

"I called you a few times,"

"Oh, I know," I buckled my seatbelt, leaning back in the already familiar car.

"So why didn't you answer?"

"Didn't feel like it," he laughed, before setting off to wherever. I didn't actually ask where we're going.

"How's your day been?" He asked.

"Well it was going good until this dumb ass prick texted me, I wish he just took the hint," I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oi, you're the one who begged me to take you on this date,"

"Oi, who said I was on about you?"



Thank you so much for all the love and support from the last chapter! I'm truly grateful for all of you and I'm glad you like this story. I've been very unmotivated recently, I have so many ideas for other books, but I need to finish this one first! Anyways, I apologise for making you guys wait so long, and again, thank you!

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