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The first thing I remember hearing was a loud clicking sound. I was too tired to open my eyes and check what it was, so instead I just opted to turn sideways.

Well that was until I realised I couldn't move. I felt stuck in place and tried to move my hands up to rub my eyes, when the first thing I felt was a head of hair on my chest.

What the actual fuck?

I considered whether it could have just been Daisy's, but then I remembered everything that happened last night, before I went to sleep.

I finally opened my eyes, took a while to recover from the blurry phase, before looking down and taking time to consider our position.

He was still on top of my chest. I could feel his arms around my back and his face turned towards the left. I'm gonna wake him up.

I shook him a few times, before he swatted me away and finally moved into a position where I could escape.

"Fucking heavy prick, nearly killed me!" I moved away to get into the bathroom first and splash my face. I was absolutely tired from the uncomfortable sleep.

When I'd gotten out there was no sign of anyone. I looked around and it looked like there was just me here. I knocked on Daisy's door and no one answered, I was about to walk away, before I heard footsteps rush towards the door.

"Morning sleepyhead, looks like someone got some good sleep!" I stepped into her bedroom and didn't waste a minute standing.

"Ughh, I'm so tried. When did you come back?"

"Well this morning, I couldn't find you in your room, so you can imagine my shock when I saw my friends sleeping with each other," I visibly repulsed backwards.

"You're making it dirtier than it is,"

"That's the point. Now, you wanna come with me to celebrate Liverpool winning their trophies? they hired a whole bus and everything!"

"What the fuck makes you think I wanna go to that?"

Right as I spoke, my phone began ringing. How helpful!

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yes, just wanted to remind you about the parade,"

"What parade?"

"The Liverpool parade? The one you agreed to a few weeks ago?"

"No, I agreed to a normal parade, no one told me it would be a fucking Liverpool parade," I looked up at Daisy who was hiding her head in her wardrobe, while very visibly laughing.

"Nah, well I'm changing my mind,"

"You can't we're recording over there," ugh, I can't believe this right now!

"Chunkz, you lot can hold a camera it's not rocket science,"

"But you do it better than us, come on man,"

"Alright fine, I'll be there,"

I hung up my phone and dramatically threw it across the bed. Throwing my head back and looking up to the ceiling. I can't believe this is how I'm spending my Saturday in Liverpool.

"Let's make this already shit day better and match outfits yeah?

"Um, YES," She ran over to her wardrobe and pulled out a dress.

"I was gonna wear this today, anything similar?" I thought about it for a second.

"Well not really cuz that's kind of my dress," she'd stolen the one dress I'd actually been looking for. "But I'm certain you have a top in the same colour, and it's gonna be freezing today so that's perfect,"

I ran over to see if she'd brought the shirt I was on about and, yep. She luckily did.

It was a red and black stripy jumper which I could perfectly pair with my black jeans.

"OMG, yes, and to match your black, I'll pair the dress with your ankle boots, you know the ones you got from Zara?"

"Calm, I'll wear my Jordans," wow that was so much easier than I expected.

Now I usually wouldn't wear an outfit like this, but it's actually quite cute and it's even cuter now we're matching.

"Okay we better head out now before we miss it,"

"What? It's in five hours, how are we gonna- ohh, you mean your boyfriend, gonna give him little celebration of his own or what?" She gasped and moved over to shut my mouth, I was already giggling at this point.

"But let's talk about your boyfriend, I got the cutest picture of you guys this morning,"

"Ohh, is that the noise? And he's not my boyfriend, the bastard flipping fell asleep on my lap and I couldn't even go back to my room so I just gave up,"

"Mhm accidental cuddling, got it,"

I rolled my eyes and went into my room to spray a bit of perfume and bring my makeup bag, and normal bag.

"Wait, there might be an after party. Do you wanna bring another outfit change? Or do you wanna borrow one of my dresses, cuz I may or may not have bought a dress a while ago that might have been perfect for you," I smiled at her consideration.

"That's the sweetest thing you've ever done! Yes please. Now come on, your boyfriend's waiting," I left before she could give me the slap of a lifetime.

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