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THE HEAVY SILENCE LINGERED IN THE COURTYARD, was only interrupted by the soft cries of a newborn baby. Rick, shattered by the devastating news, sobbed his heart out. His once steady and resolute demeanor faltered, as he plunged into a deep abyss of anguish.

Everything happened so fast that it was still blurry for Nate. The first sign of danger was an alarm, echoing through the prison, making everyone spring into action. Then it was the hordes of walkers flooding the courtyard. Gunfire erupted as they tried to kill the walkers and as others fled into the cell block, to safety. Panic spread like wildfire, mingling with the cacophony of gunfire and desperate pleas for escape.

With the help of Nate, Oscar, and Axel, who knew the prison and how it worked, had helped Rick and his group navigate to the backup generators. When they reached there with Nate, Oscar, Rick, and Daryl, they found Andrew, who had been behind all of it, luring the walkers in and causing the attack as his revenge. Back there, for a moment Nate thought they had been doomed when Oscar had picked up Rick's weapon mids the fight. Pointing the gun first at Rick but then at the last second, shooting Andrew in the head instead.

They reached back to the courtyard, intending to find the others, when they heard the news of Lori's death. 

"Rick, you with me?" Daryl waved his hand in front of the broken man who was on his knees on the ground.

"Let me see the baby," Hershel called as Maggie handed the newborn baby to her father.

"What are we gonna feed it?" Daryl asked, "We got anything a baby can eat?"

"The good news is she looks healthy," he said as he quickly checked on her, "But she needs formula. And soon, or she won't survive."

"No. No way. Not her," Daryl shook his head and pulled his crossbow to his back. "We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run."

"I'll back you up," Maggie called tears still covering her cheeks.

"I'll go too," Glenn added.

"Okay, think where we're going," Daryl called and then pulled Beth aside, "Beth. Kid just lost his mom. His dad ain't doing so hot."

Nate took steps closer to his cousin, "Anything we can do to help?" he asked. He needed something to do, anything at that moment.

Daryl nodded, "You get the fence. Too many pile up, we got ourselves a problem."

"Glenn, Maggie, vámonos," Daryl called but Nate's attention was on Rick who suddenly got up and picked up an ax from the ground and entered the prison again. Maggie tried to call after him but he was already gone.

"Get the gate. Come on, we're gonna lose the light," Daryl called, obviously wanting to act quickly and keep the little girl alive. And just like everyone else, Nate sprung into action.

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