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The darkness pressed in around Bonnie as she lay in bed, the shadows dancing ominously on the walls of her room. Despite her best efforts to push them away, her fears crept back in, wrapping around her like a suffocating blanket.

"One, two, three..." she whispered to herself. For Bonnie, counting had always been a way to ground herself in moments of fear and uncertainty. As she closed her eyes and whispered the numbers under her breath, each count served as a lifeline, guiding her through the darkness that threatened to consume her.

"Four, five six," it was a method her father taught her. When it felt like the fear was choking you, you started to count to ten until the fears disappeared.

She hated the darkness, ever since she was a kid and still as an adult, there was still a part of her that was afraid of it. In Nate's presence, the darkness seemed less daunting.

But he wasn't there now so the fears were also back. Nate had gone with Merle to a bar after his cousin showed up out of nowhere. She looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 3 in the morning and he still wasn't back.

The relationship between Nate and his cousin confused Bonnie. When Merle showed up, Nate seemed like he didn't want to let him into their home. Nate didn't talk much about Merle or Daryl but she knew that their childhood had been the same, not good. Bonnie was glad that he was spending time with him now that Merle was in town but she was still worried that they had been gone for so long.

As Bonnie lay there, her heart pounding in her chest, her phone suddenly rang out, shattering the stillness of the night. With trembling hands, she reached out and answered the call.

"This call is from a person currently in a prison in The West Georgia Correctional Facility. All calls are logged and recorded and may be listened to by a member of Prison staff. If you do not wish to accept this call, please hang up now."

BORN TO RUN the walking deadWhere stories live. Discover now